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Natsu's POV
I came up to a clearing and found Wendy and a girl with bright pink hair.
"Wendy?" I asked.
She and her friend whipped around.

"Natsu? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I-" I started by was interrupted by the voice.

"Hurry Natsu, or Lucy won't make it." I heard.
I immediately took off towards the guild, where the voice said Zeref was hiding.

I heard Wendy calling my name from behind me but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop.
"Natsu, if you don't hurry Zeref will kill Lucy." The voice said.

It was a woman's voice, a soft voice.
She sounded like she was in a rush, like she needed me at the guild or it wouldn't be just Lucy who got hurt.

I sped up.


I finally made it to the guild and wasted no time slamming through the doors.

"LUCY!" I screamed desperately, my breaths heavy.
I panted and coughed and as I began to take in my surroundings more.

Then I realized.

No one was here.

Absolutely no one.

No Zeref.

No Lucy.

"LUCY!" I yelled again, hoping she was hiding somewhere or just in the back or something.

I heard a low laughter, a woman's laughter, start to echo throughout the guild and the doors shut behind me with a loud crash. I whipped around and ran up to them, pulling in them as hard as I could.

They didn't budge.

The laughter continued and I got annoyed.
"ALRIGHT! WHO'S IN HERE! LUCY?!" I yelled again.

"Oh shut up with Lucy already, she isn't here." I heard the voice snap, the laughter finally subsiding.

"What do you mean she isn't here?!" I barked at the seemingly invisible woman.

"Like I said, she isn't here." She said.

"But-" I started.

"It was a trap stick for brains." The person snapped. I heard movement and looked up to the balcony.

There, coming out of the shadows, was Master.

The first one.


"First Master?!" I exclaimed and jumped back, seeing the face of FairyTail's first Master.

"I guess you could say that. I'm really just another one of Zeref's demons like you. He brought me back to life." She explained and I felt my jaw clench.

"But the-" I started and she cut me off again.

"The voice? Who do you think that was? Me!" She said and laughed evilly.

This was no first master of mine that's for sure.
"So, where IS Lucy then? If she isn't here." I asked, my expression hardening.

The first smiled a sickly sweet smile, her eyes showing nothing but evil.
"I have no idea." She sang.

She was trying to make me think she knew. She doesn't. I saw it in her eyes. She was trying to play tricks with me.

"And Zeref?" I asked, my voice firm.
I saw a bit of surprise flash across her dead green eyes as I didn't question her last answer, but she snapped back to 'herself.'

"Somewhere off in the forest, probably fairy hunting." First said and smirked.

I growled at her and she jumped down from the balcony onto the first level, facing me.
She was at the bar and I was at the doors.

There was a long pause of silence.

"You know." She started as she picked up a wine glass and began tracing the top of it with her finger. "Although I did trap you, I didn't lie." She said.
I tilted my head ever so slightly and gave her a look, although she seemed to ignore me in favor of the glass.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your precious Lucy isn't going to survive this war." She sneered.
I felt dread flood my vains and I know I must have gone pale.

I stormed up to the bar and to her, grabbing the wine glass and crushing it in my hand, broken glass falling to the floor. Some cut my hand but like I cared right?

"What?" I growled.

"Zeref plans on slaughtering Lucy in hopes that you'll release your E.N.D form." First explained and my eyes went wide. "And that's why you're trapped here, so you can't stop him before he kills her." First finished with the most evil tone I've ever heard.

I immediately ran at the doors and began pounding.
"LUCY!" I screamed.

The First began laughing again.
I threw my body at the door, getting more frustrated by the second.

Her obnoxious and evil laughter grew louder in my ears and I screamed, falling to my knees.
I continued screaming as I put my hands over my ears, trying to drown out the laughing that was seeming to make me go insane.

I felt my pupils shrink and my shoulders felt like someone was ripping through them with a knife.

I screamed in pain, my head beginning to throb as I continued to scream loudly.

I want it to stop.

I want it to stop.

I want it it stop.

Make it stop.

Make it stop.

God please make it stop!

Stop it!

Stop it!

Stop it!

The scream tore through my throat so loud it broke the windows.

I screeched in pain as wings sprouted from my back and horns popped out of my head.
My finger nails became claws and scales covered my arms and legs, black markings covering the whole right side of my body.
My vision grew sharper and my teeth did too, my sense of smell heightening. My ears pointed like an elf's and my hearing became like a dogs.

I breathed heavily, my arms hanging off my body. The First had stopped laughing, and I heard  her breath of surprise from behind me.

I turned with such amazing speed and grabbed her by the throat, our bodies slamming against the wall next to bar all the way across the guild in a matter of seconds.
She gasped for breath as a held her in my claws.
I smiled, showing her my shark like teeth.

Adventure Of A Lifetime(NaLu)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن