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Lucy's POV
"NATSU WATCH OUT!!" I yelled.
I ran towards him and jumped in front of the laser, the blast shooting through my stomach.
Let me back track a bit......


Lucy's POV
Earlier that morning
I woke alone in my tent.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying I remember how I got here.

My face went bright red when I remembered what happened with Natsu last night. After we had practically made out for what seemed like forever , he sat me in his lap and we watched stars.

I guess I fell asleep.

'What does this mean for us?' I thought. 'I mean we both wanted to be more than friends but I don't know what to do now'
I shook my head and slapped my cheeks.

"I'll figure this out later." I said to myself.
I got out of my tent and went to where I heard a fire crackling. I sat down across from Wendy on a long and Erza was next to me.
"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Eggs." Wendy said.

"Yes!" I celebrated.
The others laughed at me, but I was sick of having fish for breakfast.

After we ate, I went and bathed in the small lake there was near the camp with Erza and Wendy, then changed into a light blue tank top and jeans.
My hair was up in a ponytail with a light blue bow.

Today we were gonna read through another one of the books we got from the last town we went too. I went to my tent to get the book when I heard a crash and shouting.

I immediately rushed out of the tent and saw that there were two people, one a woman with a messy outfit and tired eyes. The other a man with white hair and glasses.

"STAR DRESS!! TAURUS!!" I yelled and was immediately in my Taurus Star Dress.
I had my whip at the ready as they walked out of the fallen trees towards us.

Natsu had his hands on fire, Gray was in his ice make stance, Erza had her katana drawn and was wearing her red pants and wrap like top, and Wendy was already casting her support magic.
"Hello Fairies." The woman said in a monotone voice.


"Indeed she is Salamander." The woman replied.

"We warned you not to continue." The man said.

"Who the hell are you two anyway?" Gray asked.

"My name is Invel Yura, and this is Juvia Lockser, the Rain Woman." The man, Invel, said.
Gray's eyes went wide.

Suddenly the sun went dark and we saw a hoard of Zeref's soldiers flying above us.
They began to swoop down and attack.

The ice creatures were bony and zombie-like skeletons. They were easy to take down, but there were so many of them.

As I fought, I looked over to see the two walking away back into the forest. The woman looked back, regret present in her eyes.

Why would she feel regret?

She was looking at Gray and Gray was looking at her, he was struggling against an ice solider as he stared at her wall away.

Then her eyes met mine.

She was upset. Like, really upset.


Suddenly Invel and The Rain Woman disappeared and I turned back to my commerades.

As I was fighting I saw one of the soldiers behind a tree, an ice arrow and pointed towards something.
He was aiming at Natsu.

Suddenly, he shot the arrow.
My eyes went wide.
"NATSU WATCH OUT!!" I yelled.

I ran towards him and jumped in front of the arrow, the arrow shooting through my stomach.
I screamed, the painful burning of the ice beginning to run through my veins and freeze me.

My ears started ringing as I felt myself hit the ground.
"LUCY!!" I heard everyone scream.


Natsu's POV
"NATSU WATCH OUT!!" Someone yelled.
I turned around, almost as if in slow motion, and saw Lucy jump in front of a arrow that had been shooting right towards me.

It shot right through her stomach.
I watched as she fell to the ground. I smelt the metallic smell of blood as it went everywhere.
"LUCY!!" I screamed.

Everyone had screamed her name with me and she hit the ground, her body bouncing up before it hit the ground again.
I look at the others and they were all paralyzed in shock.

Zeref's soldiers were getting closer and I snapped out of it, attacking the one who shot Lucy. Anger flooded my system and all I could think about was destruction.




My actions snapped the others into reality and they began fighting again.

They all yelled "YES" in response and began pummeling the soldiers.


Destroy them.

They hurt her.

She's hurt.


I'll avenge her.

I'll avenge her

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