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Natsu's POV

'Is that me screaming?'


Wendy's POV
I gasped as Lucy-san fell to the ground, her body sliding across the dirt before skidding to a stop in front of Natsu-san, Gray-san, Erza-san, and I.
Lucy-san didn't move, the dusk settling around her body.

I flinched as a broken scream erupted from Natsu-san's mouth. He bolted to Lucy-san, sliding on his knees to her and swiftly picking her up in his arms.
My body started shaking at the sight of Natsu-san holding Lucy-san tight in his arms. He was sobbing silently, screaming her name.

An emotion I have never felt began to bubble in my chest and I sniffled as tears rolled down my eyes. I felt light-headed and sick, like I was going to throw up.
I frowned as I felt my magic power begin to surge through my veins and I began to levitate, my hair defying gravity and turning pink.
"Dragon force!" I yelled out, getting into a battle stance.

I cast a quick reinforcement spell under my breath and then shot towards Zeref, a battle cry tearing through my throat as my fist collided with his.


Erza's POV
I stood frozen in front of Natsu and Lucy, my eyes felt like they were popping out of their sockets. I felt my body shaking and heard a small whimpering coming from my mouth as I stared down at Lucy's bruised and bloody body.

My eyes flicked upwards as I heard Wendy scream in anger, just catching sight of her as her fist collided with Zeref's.
A ball of black magic erupted and Wendy flew backwards, a scream of pain emitted from her as she was thrown against a rock.

Wendy stood again, and threw a sky dragon roar at Zeref but it didn't seem to affect him, and as I watched Zeref create another ball of black magic I saw Wendy's eyes grow wide. He shot the ball and as if someone flicked a switch I felt myself snap into action.

My mind felt fuzzy as a sword materialized itself into my hand. My ears were ringing loudly, but I still ran in front of Wendy and deflected the ball of magic with my sword, breathing heavily as it absorbed into my weapon and turning it black.

"Are you alright Wendy?" I asked, my chest rising and falling quickly.
My clothing warped and changed, my simple red pants and cloth top replacing any other type of armor I wore before.

"Yes, thank you Erza-san." Wendy said in a small voice, smiling up softly at me.
I smiled down at her as well, and then heard the sounds of crackling ice.

"Don't worry you guys, I've got your back." Gray's voice said.
I looked back up and saw Gray, already in his ice make position.
I smiled again, standing up and getting ready to fight again when I heard a loud growl.

I turned my head to the sound, looking to see Natsu still leaning over Lucy's body. He was breathing heavily, the rise and fall of his back was rapid. His wings began to twitch and his arms spazzed slightly. His breaths came out low and ridged, like a bear growling at its prey. 
His bangs covered his eyes as his teeth were gritting together.

Natsu stood slowly, and when his eyes came into view I saw that they were glowing red. His claws looked like they had gotten sharper and he looked like a crazed animal.

As he stood up fully, I watched in anticipation as he spoke.
"You're gonna die for that."


Gray's POV
I frowned as flamebrain uttered the words "you're gonna die for that."
I closed my eyes and clenched my fists, feeling my power surging through my veins.

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