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Wendy's POV
I limped across an abandoned field as rain pummeled the ground, making the earths surface rumble.

The rain felt like a million little pebbles continuously hitting me as I limped, heading for the last direction I saw the guild.
Black clouds covered the entire sky and I couldn't see anything except about a mile, more or less, in front of me.

I winced as I accidentally put too much pressure on my burnt leg and crumpled to my butt on the dead, Brown, grass.
I sighed and wished Erza were still with me.

After Erza had killed her mother she had finally gotten me to wake up and immediately asked if I was ok.
Obviously, I couldn't feel my leg or arm and she helped me walk a long way but then we got separated when the storm started.

I frowned and tried to get up but I felt a sudden burning in my blackened leg.
"AH!" I screamed in pain and fell to my butt again.
My leg was glowing.

I looked closer and saw that red ambers were inside my leg, that now seemed more ash then skin.
I looked around for any sign of help but saw none. I felt the ground began to rumble even harder and I turned my head.

My eyes went wide.
A giant, black tornado was barreling towards me at lighting speed.

Lighting struck and I jumped as it almost hit me, watching as the tornado moved closer.
"HELP!!" I screamed but my cries were completely drowned out.

I couldn't even hear myself.
"HELP!! SOMEONE!! ANYONE!!" I yelled and felt tears come to my eyes as I watched the tornado, only about a half a mile away getting closer.

Thunder shook the ground and lighting hit trees, causing them to catch fire.
I screamed, anything to get someone. I continued to scream and cry, helplessly sitting there as the Tornado was right there.

"Hey! Let's go!" I heard and felt someone grab my bicep.
I looked up and saw a pale skinned blue eyed girl with a black cloak and hot pink hair under her hood.

"I-I can't move." I said and she sighed.
She got down on her knees and put her hands over me, healing magic beginning to washing over me.

I felt my arm and leg again, and the ambers inside them were gone. My limbs were normal again, but I was missing most of the left half of my leggings.

She stood quickly and looked at me.
"Can you walk now?" She asked.

I nodded and she helped me up, both of us looking at the tornado.
"The only way to avoid it is going behind it." She said.

"But that's impossible?!" I exclaimed and she glared at me.

"Listen, I don't know who you are but I just helped you out, so help me out. My guild, my family, is on the other side of that tornado and it's our best option right now unless you want to run from it forever." She said in a rude tone.

I stared at her and sighed, nodding.
"Alright, do you have a plan?" I asked.

She smiled and sighed, looking determined.
"The plan is, we are going to go around it. The width isn't long so it won't be hard to avoid. But, there is an area between us and the tornado that we need to stay away from because it's almost like a current, it will suck you in and drown you." The girl explained.

I nodded and casted some support magic on her.
"This is to increase your magic stamina." I said and she nodded.

"Thanks, now lets go." She said and we began running, avoiding planks of wood and anything else the tornado had picked up and now was spitting out.

I was almost hit with a rocking chair but the girl pulled me away from it before it could.

We were at about the middle of the storm when I heard the girl scream. I looked behind me and it was almost as if invisible hands grabbed her waist and tried dragging her towards the tornado.

She tried to struggle but she seemed to be getting crushed.
"AH!" She screamed as I felt my breath catch in my throat.

I ran towards her and the tornado and planted my feet on the ground.
"WATCH OUT, IM GONNA MAKE IT LET GO!!!!" I yelled and she was about to yell back but I took in a long breath of air.

"SKY DRAGON'S ROAR!!" I screamed and let out a large gust of wind, almost the size of the tornado itself.

I struck right next to the girl and it almost seemed like the tornado screeched as she was dropped from whatever was holding her in its invisible grip.

I ran towards her as she fell through the sky and caught her in my arms, then immediately running away from the tornado as fast as possible.


I reached a destroyed and deserted clearing and placed the pink haired girl down, getting on my knees next to her.

"Are you alright?" I asked.
She sat up in her elbows and looked down at her stomach.

"Broken rib I think, I can heal it you know-" she started but I interrupted her.

"Don't waste your energy, I'll do it." I said and she seemed surprised as I began to heal her rib.

I guess she didn't think I had the same powers as her.


I finished up healing her and she sat up, twisting a bit and then crossing her legs. There was a short silence between us before she spoke again.
"So, you have the same powers as me?" She asked.

I nodded.
"I'm a Sky Dragon Slayer." I said.

"Ah, that explains it." She replied quickly and I turned my head in confusion.
"I'm a Sky God Slayer." She said, answering the question I asked with my gesture.

I nodded and it was silent for a while until I spoke again.
"I'm Wendy." I said and put my hand out for her to shake.

She looked at my hand and then shook it.
"I'm Chelia." She replied.


???'s POV
I hissed as that brat hit me with her Sky Dragon Slayer magic.
My arm stung as I pulled my arms back through the portal I was using to grab that pink haired girl.

I growled and went to attack again when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Master Zeref smiling down at me.
"Leave them to run, it won't be long before they're all dead anyway." He said and I smiled.

"Yes Master." I sung and smirked.

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