[9] Lord's of Wolf Town

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"I hate you," I said keeping my eyes shut.

"You hate me?" he said from across the room.

"I hate you!" I snapped back in his general direction my eyes remaining shut.

Why do you hate me?" he came closer with each word.

I finally let into the temptation to look him in the face. I say face because it was hard to keep my eyes on his. His eyes were gorgeous but so was the rest of him. I usually looked at his eyes for a second and then wondered down then back up. Always catching myself but never being able to stop myself.

"Besides the obvious?" I dared him to agree with my. Obviously I hated him for putting me in this predicament to begin with.

He wasn't amused. So I just rolled my eyes and continued, "I have been stuck in this room for over a week. Even though my hands have been healed the entire time." I flexed my hands up toward him as if to prove my point.

But he just stood there like a statue. Not moving, not talking. Giving up i settled back into my bed and closed my eyes.

"You get anything you want and yet you still complain," he said with a deep sigh. I could imagine him running his unnaturally tan hand through his beautiful thick short dark hair that was always spiked up just right.

“Just because I have the privilege to eat as many cookies as I want, before and after, dinner. Not to mention to eat all my meals in this freaking room,” I stressed, “doesn’t mean I don’t need exercise.”

“I’ll have one of the boys bring you an elliptical,” he said calmly.

 My eyes flew open, “What the hell is wrong with you?! I need fresh air, and  and and,” I started stuttering. He just doesn’t get it.

“I don’t like your tone,” I was surprised he didn’t add ‘young lady’.

I glared at him with such fury I was surprised he didn’t burst into flames.

“My tone? My tone?!” I yelled as I stood up out of bed. “Julian, you already hold me on this estate like a damn prisoner. Do not lock me in this room, too.” At some point I had latched onto his shirt and attempted to shake him.

Our eyes locked for a minute before I leaned into his chest still holding onto his shirt, “I’m going crazy,” I whined into his chest.

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