New Beginnings

129 2 0

May of 2001
Roxies POV

It's been 8 years since I moved to Florida, I wish I could tell you that things got better for me but really they didn't. I mean dont get me wrong, I finished high school and went on to collage like I had planned. However things between me and Trisha remained the same. That was until 1996 when she died from an overdose. My grandmother was heartbroken for a while, but after a while she became a better person. She treats Jessie with so much love and kindness, thank goodness that boy deserves it after all he has been through. He has grown into quite the young man. I'm so happy that has beeb able to keep his life positive even through all the hell he has lived through. I have tried to stay positive as well, but some days it seems to be easier than others. I still suffer from some depression but i am doing better. I figured since Jessie is grown and surrounded by loving family, it is time for me to follow my dreams. I am taking a vacation, and going to California. My best friend lacey from collage lives in cali, she was born and raised there. She came to florida for collage, because she always wanted to see the east coast and needed a change of scenery. However she decided she missed california and moved back home right after collage. She has wanted me to come visit for months but I have kept putting her off. The main reason, being my boyfriend jason. Jason and I got together last year. It was my last year in collage and we just clicked. We started out as friends and then it slowly turned into more. Things had gotten quite serious between us in the past 6 months. We even bought a house together in august of 2000. Everything was going fine until last week when i came home from work early and found him sleeping with another woman. I couldn't believe he would do something like that to me, and it hurt like hell. He has called me many times begging for forgiveness, but i just can't bring myself to forgive him. No matter how hard I try, that feeling of betrayal just will not go away. So i decided I am out of here, I will go stay with lacey and if I can find a good job I might just stay in Cali. If I don't maybe in time i will come back to miami, I am leaving my options open. It's time for me to be happy for once, I have lived my life for everyone else except myself and now it's time to chase my own dreams. It just so happens that anyone who is famous, is usually found in california. Speaking of famous, I have often thought about Chester over the years. For the longest time I would lay awake at night and cry because I missed him so much. I searched the internet constantly trying to keep tabs on Grey Daze hoping that Chester's dreams would come true. That he would become famous and maybe kick that bad habit of his. I never had much luck, for a while it seemed like they were doing okay. They were still making music and playing small shows and then nothing. Eventually i gave up on finding anything new on them. I just hoped that Chester was okay and doing better than he was back then. To this day i can't listen to the song I'll Be without crying like a baby. That boy was something special and i would have gave anything to have kept him in my life. Unfortunately life doesn't play fair, it makes it's own rules. Apparently It thought I didn't need Chester in my life, or my father, or my best friend. The first few years here in Florida were awful for me, but somehow I survived. I'd like to think its because Life has something in store for me, something worth fighting for. I guess i will find out soon enough Hollywood here i come.

Living My Dream (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora