Today Is The Day

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Roxies Pov
Today would mark the beginning of my career and I couldn't believe how fast the time has flown by since I've been here. Seems like it was just yesterday I met Jonathon on that plane from florida. I still couldn't believe all this was happening, that my dreams were finally comming true. Maybe it will sink in after the tour starts I thought to myself as I continued to pack my things. I was going to be on the road for two and a half months so i needed to make sure I didn't forget anything. Truly I should have went shopping for some more clothes before leaving, but I figured I could just buy some stuff on the road. I triple checked to make sure I had my computer and all my attachments for my camera. The last thing left to do was say goodbye to Lacey. I really wasn't ready to leave her behind, I had just got here a little over a week ago and it seemed like it had been ages since I had last seen her. Either way I had to pull it together and say goodbye for now, I would be back in a couple of months after the tour is over. On top of that she will have some time to form a proper relationship with Jonathon I told myself. I walked out of my empty bedroom and made my way down to Laceys room. I knocked softly on the door not wanting to wake her if she was asleep. She worked a double last night at the hospital and i knew she was beat. I opened the door quietly and saw she was sleeping. I decided not to wake her, instead I placed a note beside her bed on the nightstand. I quietly walked out of her room shutting the door behind me.
After grabbing my suitcase, I made my way out the front door locking it behind me. Almost like clockwork my limo was waiting outside in the driveway. The driver got out and put my suitcase in the trunk, after letting me inside the car. The ride to the airport didn't take very long, only about 30 minutes. When we arrived I was greeted by the band, our manager checked us in for our flight while we all went to grab some coffee.
"So are you excited?" Jacoby asked me.
"I am actually" I replied with a smile. "I have wanted to do this since I was a little girl!" I exclaimed.
"Why did you chose this for a career?" He asked.
"Well for one I have always loved music, it has been a huge part of my life." I replied "And two I have always wanted to travel and see the world!" I said excited.
"I guess this is the job for you then!" He replied. It's good to have you here by the way, your work the other night was amazing!
"Thanks Jacoby I really appreciate that!" I said sincerely. So where is our first stop? I asked.
"Our first show is actually in New York!" He exclaimed. Then we will take the bus from New York to New Jersey, down to Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Florida. After that we will fly up to Michigan and work our way down to texas. After we finish up in texas we will actually fly to Germany and do several shows over seas, the back home and up the west coast. Our last show will actually be in Long Beach, California He finally finished.
"Wow, thats a lot of shows!" I replied.
"Well you gotta think about it" He started. We will be on the road for about two and a half maybe three months if they add any additional shows. Out of those 3 months we will have a concert about every other night. Sometimes we may get two days between shows, but we are traveling on those days. Every once in a while you will even have shows ro nights in a row, that gets hard. You litterally get off stage and jump on the bus, travel for 10 or 11 hours while trying to sleep and then go right back on stage. Those kind of days are killer, usually the two day breaks come after one of those.
"Shit, How the hell do you guys do it?" I asked baffled by how crazy their schedule was.
"It gets really hard sometimes, and things get tense" he answered. That's when you have to have a good relationship with your band mates or shit ain't gonna last. When you get out there on the road and you're tired and missing your family, tension gets thick. If you ain't tight with your band mates there is going to be all kinds of issues. Bottom line is we do it because we love the music. We love making music, we love sharing it with the world, and we love our fans. Without them we wouldn't be shit, and that isn't just for Papa Roach that is for any of us that are out here on the road making music and performing.
"Wow" I replied completely dazed. "I never really looked at it like that, I mean that in depth!" I added.
"Most people don't!" He replied. "That's why I asked why you chose this job!" He stated. "You are different than most, you have a genuine passion for what you do" I like that he added.
"So do we have a show tonight?" I asked him.
"Nope, when we get to New York  tonight we get to chill, tomorrow it is rehersal during the day and the show in the evening."He answered.
"Thank goodness, I'm still beat from trying to get everything done this weekend!" I explained.
"About that" he replied. I wasn't trying to be a dick about the time crunch thing, it was just that Jonathon said you could use a chance. So i went and talked to the manager and he refused to sign a contract without seeing your work first. So thats why you had to do it in two days, I am really sorry for that. I would have givin you the job from the get go!
"Oh really" why is that I asked.
"Because your fucking hott!" He exclaimed.
"Jacoby!" I yelled.
"Sorry just being honest!" He remarked. "Now I see why he is the manager and I'm the singer"He joked.
Although It was nice chatting with Jacoby, I figured we should probably get back to the rest of the band. We went out to the waiting area and grabbed a seat with the rest of the guys. Not to long after that we heard our flight number go across the intercom. The whole crew walked towards the boarding gate, while i stayed to the back with Jacoby. I was hoping that chester and his guys would show up last minute and fly to New York with us, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen.
"Is Linkin Park not flying out with us?" I asked Jacoby.
"No they don't fly out until tonight." He replied.
Just about the time Jacoby finished his sentence, chester walked onto the plane giving me a smile.

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