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Roxies Pov
After the guys got off stage we all climbed into the big limo and left for the airport. I was trying my hardest not cry, I was going to miss everyone so much. I thought about sraying with them but I couldn't I knew it was best for everyone If I took myself out of the equation for the time being. Chester needed to forget about me and live his life with Samantha and Jacoby needed to find a way to fix things with his. Both of which would not happen with me in the picture their was too much temptation on all sides. Technically Jacoby and kelly were seperated but if he still loved her they needed to work things out, i would only end up hurting him or he would end up hurting me. Number one lesson in life don't get involved with someone if you or them still love someone else. It never ends well for either person. Shaddix helped me out of the limo and into the airport. We stood there for a moment in an akward silence, things were still a little akward between us expecially after that nice little song he wrote for me.
"I'm gonna miss you!" I said to him softly.
"I'm gonna miss you too!"he said and winked at me. "No really I will miss you and not just like that either!" He said giving me a half smile.
"Let me know when you guys get back in Cali!" I stated.
"I will, but I'm also gonna check up on you during tour! There is no way im going another month and a half without talking to you." He stated boldly.
He gave me a big head and rubbed his hands through my long hair with that strange look in his eyes again. Before he turned away he placed a kiss on my lips leaving me speechless, and then he was gone. I walked to the waiting area since my flight was a little later than theirs and I sat down. As soon as i looked up I was met with a pair of brown eyes.
"Were you really going to leave me again without even saying goodbye? Chester said with hurt in his voice.
"Chester I wanted to really, I just couldn't bring myself to do it." I spoke softly.
"Roxie why does it have to end like this?" He asked me.
"Because I can't do this anymore, I can't just be your friend Chaz it's too hard on me." I replied. " You have a life with Samantha, and I have to repect that! You need to live your life Chester, stop living in the past and control your future. A good friend told me that recently and until now I never realized how true that is." I said softly. "If we keep living in the past neither of us are ever going to be happy, and I don't want that. You are married and you must really love her, so the solution is for me to leave!" I said touching his face. " I will always love you Chester, but you have to go!finish your tour and we will talk when the dust settles and it's easier for both of us okay?" I asked him.
He gave me a half hearted smile and kissed my cheek. He turned and walked away making his way onto his flight.
The tears fell down my cheeks again as i watched him walk out of my line of sight. What chester didn't know is that I wouldn't be there when he got back. I was moving to to huntington beach to work with another up and comming band who would most likely be on the for a year promoting their first ablum. I didn't want to tell him because i knew he wouldn't let me go, but he had to. I saw Samantha watching us that day from behind the corner and the look on her face was pure pain and hurt. I knew from that moment if I didn't remove myself from his life he would loose her, as much as that would make me happy I didn't want that to happen. Chester loved her more than he realized and he needed her more than he admitted to anyone. I didn't want to be the cause of them separating, and even if it meant breaking my own heart all over again it was worth it to save his.

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