Halfway there

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Roxies pov
It's been a month now since we left for tour, its has actaully been really fun so far. Every once in a while I get some free time to watch a show instead of working. Actually this week we have a three day break and I couldn't be less excited. You would think I would be happy and I was until I found out that Sam was comming to see Chester and staying for all three days. I guess I can't be mad it is his wife but I have had so much fun with him the past month. We have been going out to clubs, going out to eat, and we have even went shopping together. All as friends of course, I told Chester I wouldn't come between him and his wife and I meant it, but I am still jealous. I will have to go almost a week without getting to chill with Chaz, and I have gotten so used to it. I just hope the days go by fast so she can go back home, I really don't know how well I'm going to deal with seeing them together. After all just friends or not I still have feelings for him. I have come to terms with the fact he has a wife but i don't think seeing it up close is going to be as easy to deal with. I have still been messing around with Jacoby but it is strictly sex, just like he promised me it would be. I still haven't told Chester, part of me doesn't think its his business . If we were together that would be a different story, but if we were together I would have never touched Jacoby in the first place. I have even gotten to know some of the other guys in Linkin Park, they all seem pretty kool as well. Jonathon called me last week and said he may have another job lined out for me after I finish this tour with Papa Roach and I couldn't be happier. After being on the road and actually living my dream, I am so thankful that I stuck to my goals and made it here despite everything that was against me. The only thing I don't enjoy about being on the road is missing Lacey. She is my backbone and it has been hard these past month without her. I would love to take this other job offer but that means I will be away from her, Jonathon, and Chester. That is the only thing weighing on my mind right now, Should I go?
I sat in the living area of my tour bus weighing my pro's and Con's when I disgruntled Chester walked on to the bus.
"Chaz what are you doing in here?" I asked him.
"Looking for you why else would I be in here?" He answer with a question again.
"I don't know looking for Jacoby maybe? I said laughing, earning a shitty look from chester.
"Why the fuck would I be doing that?" He asked again.
"I don't know geez Chester what crawled up your ass?" I said joking.
"Samantha is comming in tonight instead of tomorrow!" He stated with a frown.
"But we were supposed to go out tonight!" I said a bit shitty.
"I know Rox I'm sorry, I'm not happy about it either." He said sounding bummed. "I was looking forward to taking you out tonight!" He explained.
"It's okay, I can just stay at the hotel and get drunk with the guys" I said flatly.
"Rox please don't you will end up getting yourself into trouble!" He stated. "Dumb ass Shaddix will try to fuck you!" He spat at me with venom in his voice.
"Chester why are you so worried about Jacoby?" I asked. "You act like he is the worst thing on earth, i thought you guys were friends?" I questioned.
"We were... We are it's just I know how he is Rox!" He replied. "He uses women thats all, he will get in your pants and leave you high in dry." He stated. "Plus the thought of any one else in those pants makes me insane!" He exclaimed getting flustered just talking about it.
This conversation definitely made me glad I didn't tell him about me and Shaddix. He really doesn't seem all that bad to me but then again im using him too.
"Please just don't babe!" He begged. "Why don't you come and hang out with me and Samantha for the evening? He suggested.
"Are you kidding me Chester?" I yelled. "You cannot seriously think that is something I want to do. I dont wanna see you two love all over eachother!" I added getting really angry again. "Why would you even suggest such a thing, I said I wouldn't come between the two off you but I never said I wanted to hang out with you guys." I stated coldy. "There is no way, I'm not ready to see you guys together let alone go out with the two of you.
"I'm sorry Rox, that really was a stupid idea!" He agreed. "I guess im gonna get out of here. I have to pick her up in an hour from the airport. I'll see you later and I promise I'll make it up to you.
"Right!" I muttered under my breath. Chester walked out the door and I launched my pad of paper acrossed the tour bus. I couldn't help it I was pissed, things had been great between us and now all this has tension between us again. I needed a drink big time, and despite what he wanted I was going out tonight!
Jacoby walked through the door right after I tossed my notebook acrossed the room. He gave me a strange look after it flew past his head almost hitting him in the face.
"Damn babe who pissed in your wheaties?" He asked me with a smirk.
"I am so tired of this shit!" I yelled
"Your tired of what?" He asked confused? "Tired of this he pointed to me and back to himself with a questioning look.
"No Jacoby I'm not tired of you!" I replied laughing a bit because of the expression on his face. "I'm tired of this shit with Chester!" I explained. "He wants to take me out and treat me like im the best thing in his life. And while I patiently wait for him to make a decision about things with Samantha, he flies her down here and blows me off!" I said frustrated. I get he is married and we have kept things just friends because I will not be a homewrecker, but damnit i still have feelings. He wants to act one way while she isn't here and then another when she is. He actually had the nerve to ask me to go hang out with the two of them tonight. Like what the actual fuck? I yelled again.
"You know Roxie" he started out. "He is just going to keep doing this if you dont stand your ground. I know I may seem like a arrogant asshole but believe it or not I have feelings too, and I damn sure wouldn't let someone trample over mine like he does you." He said. "I'm not trying to dis on Chaz, he's a kool dude but this shit is getting ridiculous." He continued. " he wants to act like he owns you because he cares for you, but yet he won't make a decision about what he wants. It is selfish on his part period. He has a hard time kicking bad habits and he has a hard time with change, I get that but enough is enough. He needs to either step up and be the man you need him to be or he needs to step aside so you can find someone who treats you right!" He explained. "Your a bomb ass chick Rox. I'm not dissing on samantha she is super nice and kool as hell, but you are as amazing as they come. He really needs to realize that before it's too late, because one day someone else is going to show you how you should be treated and then he is gonna lose you!"
"Thanks Shaddix!" I replied with a small smile trying not to cry. "Do you really think that J?"
"What that you are as amazing as they come?" He questioned back. I shook my head yes and he replied.
"You are absolutely the most amazing woman I have ever met!" He said sincerely with a warm smile on his face. "Now lets go get a drink and cheer you up!" He said excited.

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