St.Louis Airport

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When we landed at the St. Louis airport it was a little after 3 am, me and jonathon decided to have a cup of coffee together while waiting for our next flight. He was such an awesome person, definitely not one of those people who let the fame and fortune go to his head. We ordered our coffee and i took out my wallet to pay for my own. Jonathon refused and paid for both, he said it was his idea and he was buying period the end. I told him thank you and we sat and talked for hours until it was time to board the next plane. He had told me so many funny stories about him and his band throughout the years and a little about the project he was going to work on. He couldn't tell me much due to the disclosure contracts he had signed, but he shared what he could with me. He explained he was going to do a whole soundtract with a friend for an amazing movie, but he couldn't tell me which movie or who the friend was. All I know is he was very excited about doing it, everytime he spoke about it he had so much excitement in his voice. It was like watching a kid run around in a candy store for the first time. If you have paid attention to jonathon he is usually pretty calm and reserved. Once we got on the plane unfortunately, we were seperated. Our seats were on opposite sides of the plane this time. Jonathan gave me a smile and pulled his sweater back over his face and went back to sleep. We finally arived in california at 6 am, once i got off the plane i called Lacey to let her know i was here.
Jon walked up to me and started to say something.
"Hang on lace" I told her.
"Where is your ride?" He asked me.
"She won't be here for about an hour" I replied to him. She is comming from Pasadena, i didn't want her waiting on me so i told her to wait until i arrived to leave I added.
"Why don't you just ride in with me?" He asked. I'm going through there anyway i could drop you off and then you won't have to sit in this airport for an hour or more.
"Jonathon are you sure?" I asked him. I don't want you going through any trouble to help me.
"Positive!" He exclaimed. It's no trouble really, like i said I'm going straight through Pasadena.
"Lacey you still there?" I asked her.
"Well yeah" she replied.
"I guess you don't have to come get me after all, my friend is gonna bring me by there on his way through" I told her.
"What friend?" She asked. Roxie you don't have any friends here in california she added.
"Well I guess I do now!" I exclaimed.
"Roxie you need to be careful" She said. There are some real crazies here in Cali. I don't want anything to happen to you .
"Um Lacey" I spoke slowly. I don't think Jonathon Davis is gonna hurt me. I spoke slow and very normal wondering if she would catch what i just said.
"Wait what?" She spoke after a couple minutes of silence. You mean the Jonathon Davis? Like the lead singer of my all time favorite band she screamed.
"Yes Lacey that Jonathan!" I replied laughing.
"I so hate you right now" she said with jealousy in her voice. But i still love you! She added. Do you think maybe you could get me an autograph by chance? Roxie please? She begged.
"I'll see what I can do babes" I replied to her laughing again. I'll see you soon Lace!
After hanging up the phone with lacey, Jonathan and I made our way outside. There was a black limousine waiting for us right in front of the doors. Jonathon allowed me to get in first following behind me and shut the door. The driver kindly placed our luggage in the trunk and made his way into the front of the limo. He opened the window seperating the front of the limo from the back and spoke to Jonathan.
Will your guest be going to the same loacation as you Mr.Davis? He asked.
No, we are dropping her off in Pasadena at her friends house! He explained to the driver. He gave his driver the address and closed the window back up.
Would you like something to drink? He asked me.
"Sure" I replied. Jonathon thank you again for all of this. You have been so kind to me.
"It's no problem really" There is something about you, I don't know what it is really but I feel kind of protective over you. I know I'm weird he said laughing a little.
"Your not weird" I replied. You are kind and almost remind me of a big brother. So I understand where you are comming from. Can I ask you a question?
"Shoot"He said.
Well i know you are super busy, but my friend Lacey is like obsessed with you and she kinda freaked on me when I told her how I was getting there! I explained to him. I was just wondering if you could maybe give me your autograph for her!
He just laughed a little.
Is that all? He asked me. I can do one better than that he added giving me a wink.
Okay now I'm a bit confused, what was he planning? What kind of trick did he have up his sleeve? Hopefully lacey doesn't faint I thought.

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