Good Morning Kiddo

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Roxies POV
I woke up at 10 am with the California sunshine beaming in my eyes. I instantly wanted to pull the covers back over my face and go back to sleep, but I knew I couldn't. I needed to go out and put in some applications and try to land myself a job. I didn't want Lacey supporting me the whole time i was here, so i needed to find something even if it was just temporary. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I had two messages.

Just wanted to make sure you made it to California safely. I hope all your dreams come true.
Love grandma

Hey kiddo text me back, I may have landed you a job with some friends of mine. They have a concert this weekend in LA.

Wow already he must have really been serious about helping me get started. The message from my grandma actually surprised me, she normally isn't so nice to me. Maybe she is just happy I'm gone I thought and laughed to myself.

Thanks grandma,
Love rox

Hey Jon! I can't believe it. How did you pull that off so fast?

I got up out of my bed and immediately found myself something to wear. Maybe I don't need need to put in those applications after all i thought. My phone buzzed again it was Jonathon.

Don't thank me just yet kiddo, all I did was get you a chance. You have to do the work and Impress them if you want them to hire you! Put your game face on kid! Im sending a cab for you at 12 so we can discuss some details. See you then

Shit that doesn't give me much time to prepare i thought. I darted to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I still needed to straighten my long blonde hair and do my make up. I didn't want to do my first business meeting looking like total shit. I chose a pair of blue skinny jeans and a pair of knee high boots. They were black with spikes on the heel. I chose a super cute sinful top with the back spliced out. I completed my look by adding some fondation and winged eyeliner with a heavy coat of mascara. I took a second look in the mirror and decided i looked good enough for my meeting. By the time i finished it was already 11:45 fifteen minutes and my ride would be here. I sat outside on the steps and smoked a cigarette while waiting on the cab.

Jonathons pov
Okay guys lets do one more practice run today and tomorrow we will do the real deal. I have a business meeting this afternoon, but we will resume recording in the morning.
"Chester kick it up a notch this time" I told him. The track was just about done. I decided to bring in some close friends with some amazing vocals to help pull of this epic project. Getting full reign on this project was awesome, it is something i have wanted to do for a long time and I was going to make damn sure it turned out perfect. So along with my own vocals i decided to add some tracks from David Dramin, Marilyn Manson, Chester Bennington and a few others. This was going to turn out fantastic I praised myself. Today we are working on the song system, I had wrote it but decided I didn't want my own vocals on this track. I decided that Chester's voice would be perfect for this one, so I asked him if he wanted to help me out. He was actually stoked about comming in and doing the song, being a fan of Anne Rice himself.
Chester began singing and this time it was amazing, exactly what I had imagined.
"Thats it man" I said through the mic. That one was great, do it just like that again tomorrow and we are done! I exclaimed.
Chester walked out of the vocal booth and made his way over to me. He sat down and took a swig out of his water bottle.
"What's up Chaz?" I asked him. You look kinda spaced man.
"I don't know man" he replied. I have just kinda been in a funk lately. I keep trying to shake the shit, but it just doesn't seem to go away. Nothing is working, this project is about the only thing I have even been excited about. Other than that i don't wanna do any fucking thing, like I dont enjoy doing anything. I should be happy man, our band is getting huge, we are about to go on tour, And we are working on another album. I'm just not feeling any of it lately. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for the fans and the success, and I'm grateful I get to spend all my time with great friends. They are the best bandmates anyone could ask for, but i still just feel like something is missing in my life. Sam has even been on my ass lately, she says I'm acting different. I don't know maybe I'll snap out of it once we start the tour He added. I'll see you tomorrow Jon i know you have a meeting soon.
"C-ya man" I replied. Take it easy chuck things will work out man I promise.
He went out the door and i went into the conference room next door to get ready for Roxie to get here. If all works out well she should have a job with Papa Roach by the end of this weekend. Jacoby is another friend of mine and it just so happens they are in the market for a new photographer for their up comming tour. I have a strong feeling that Roxie could really make something of herself in this industry. Not only that but she seems so familiar to me for some reason or another, I instantly wanted to help her out after meeting her.

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