The Meeting part 2

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Cheters pov
I sat in my car for a while in the parking lot after leaving the studio. I just wasn't ready to go home yet. I knew as soon as I walked in the feont door sam would be all over my ass. She has been so different lately. She is always angry at me, telling me I don't act like the same person she married. I wish I could understand where she was comming from, but I don't. I am the exact same person she married years ago. Im still fucked up, I am still doing drugs and drinking, but no matter how hard thins get I have always remained faithful to her. I love samantha very much and I would never intentionally hurt her. She has been with me through a lot the last several years and I really appreciate everything she has done to try and help me. She deals with the addiction for the most part, she doesn't like it but she deals with it. She deals with me being away for long periods of time while touring or recording. But lately she has just been acting strange towards me. I have just been in this total funk lately that I can't seen to get out of. I'm actually pretty tired of it, something has to give or I'm going to go off the deep end. I have tried to cut back on the drug use, I promised the guys i would be serious about my work and not let my addiction get in the way of my performance but sometimes it gets really hard. I love my bandmates and i love my career, I don't know what would happen if I lost either of them. I sat there smoking my cigerette and watched Jacoby Shaddix walk into the studio. Im guessing that was for the meeting Jonathon spoke of, maybe they are also going to throw down a track for the movie. The dudes in papa roach are great! We go on tour with them in a week and I can't fucking wait. Jacoby knows how to party hard like me so it should get interesting on tour this year. Hopefully I wont do anything to stupid and fuck shit up. Shortly after Jacoby went inside an ordinary yellow cab pulled up. I watched for a few minutes as Jonathon came outside and opened the cab door. He helped a beautiful blonde out of the car, paid the driver, and wrapped his arm around her waist walking inside. Wow J man I thought. I hadn't seen Jonathan spend much time with the ladies since his divorce, but from what I could see of this girl from the parking lot she was stunning. Her legs seemed to go on forever in those knee high boots. Her jeans fit very snug to her slim waist and her curves. And the top she wore screamed rock goddess. She had long beautiful blond hair that curved perfectly around her face. Her face was the only thing i didn't really get to see, but if it looked like the rest of her I can only imagine. After a minute of comming back to my senses I realized she reminded me of my girlfriend from high school. Roxie was her name, god i loved that girl and she completely broke my heart. We were still going to keep in touch after her mother moved her away but i never heard from her again. I texted her and called her so many times after she left and i never got a response or an answer. I didn't understand why, I guess she just gave up on me after everything I told her. After that i literally hit rock bottom. I ended up getting a job at burger king just to supply my drug habits. All I did was get wasted and fucking high. I would sit around the house coked out of my mind and write music to kill the pain. Eventually I met sam in 1996 and she tried to help me get better. It worked to some point, but not totally. I quite doing as much dope and eventually left grey daze. I ended up getting a demo from california from some guys called xero. The demo was pretty bad ass so i decided to go to cali and meet them. I sang some shit for them and blew them away i guess because I have been a part of the band since. We changed our name twice the first time to hybrid theory and then to Linkin Park. After practicing and recording for what seemed like forever we were finally signed and released our first album last year. It has been gaining success like crazy. I couldn't be happier with my choice to be honest but something still seems like its missing from my life. I try not to thank about things from my past but every once in a while it still catches up to me and then i get in these fucked up moods. I wish i could break this cycle, this habit But it never seems to end. I can only hope that eventually it will finally go away.
I finally decided it was time to go home after my phone rang. It was sam, i didn't answer it because I didn't want to listen to her yell at me. Doesn't really matter because i will hear it when I get home anyway. I just wish she would quit being so bitchy at me, and be the loving wife she used to be.

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