The Meeting

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Roxies Pov
The cab pulled up in front of a large building on the corner. The parking lot was mostly empty except for a few cars. I wasn't sure exactly where I was supposed to be going, so I was still sitting in the cab like a total dumbass. A couple minutes passed by and I saw Jonathon come out of the door. He walked to the cab and opened the door for me. He helped me out of the car and went around and paid the driver. I would say he paid him pretty well considering it was only a twenty minute drive and he paid the man 500 bucks.
"Hey Kiddo" He said. I figured i would meet you out here, you would have probably got lost trying to find the conference room.
"Thanks Jonathon" I replied. Honestly I had no idea where I was supposed to be going. So who is it I'm supposed to be meeting anyway? I asked him.
"They are actually friends of mine" He stated. They have been getting pretty popular lately and they are about to go on tour. That's where you come in, concert footage and all.
"Well I got that part Jon but who are they?" I asked again.
"Oh duh" Im sorry he replied. I get carried away sometimes. You may have heard of them before, Papa Roach ring a bell? He asked.
"Are you serious Jonathon?" I asked about to fall over. Of course i have heard of them, they are definitely getting huge.
"Well the first show of the tour is going to be here in LA Friday night" He said. If you do a good job and they like what the see, they might hire you on to tour with them. This could actually end up making you a decent amount of money, as well as getting your foot in the door to work with other artist. So what do you say kiddo you ready to meet the lead singer? He asked.
"Absolutely" I replied.
Jonathon wrapped his hand around my waist and walked me into a huge conference room. There at that big table sat the lead singer of papa roach.
"Jacoby this is Roxie" Jonathon said. "Roxie this is the frontman of Papa Roach, Jacoby Shaddix."
"Nice to meet you" I said to Jacoby.
"My pleasure" He replied. So Jonathon here tells me you are looking for a job doing photos and possibly concert footage? He asked.
"Thats correct" I replied. I have been taking pictures since I was a little girl, I have always been fascinated with capturing special moments. I attended school in florida for photography and digital design, as well as some filming classes. I graduated last year and decided that if I was going to achieve my dream of working with rockstars, than I better move to California I added laughing a bit.
"Well you got that part right" He replied. Seems like everyone that has  actually made it came to California for their start he added. So anyhow we would love for you to come out friday night and show us what you've got. Take some live footage, catch some good photos, maybe even some pictures of the crowd and back stage. Prepare what you think we'd like to share with our fans and bring it to us on Sunday. If we like what you bring to the table sunday, then we will give you a great salary to tour with us for the next few months. Jonathon seems to have a lot of faith in you! I Can't wait to see what you come up with He said smiling.
Jacoby shook my hand and shot me a wink and a devious grin before walking out the giant doors to the conference room.
"Do you really believe I can do this?" I asked Jonathon.
"Absolutely Kiddo" He replied. If i didn't think you could handle it, I never would have put in a good word for you. Don't make me regret it kid! He added smiling at me.
"I won't Jonathon" I replied. Thank you so much!
I gave Jonathon a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking outside and getting into another cab. I guess Jonathon had these guys on standby or something, but i wasn't complaining. I couldn't wait to get back home and tell Lacey the awesome news. Of course I would have to wait until she got off work at 5. I couldn't believe all of this, things were finally looking up for me after all these years. I finally had a chance at my dream job! On top of that I was on a first name basis with the lead singer of korn for fucks sake. How lucky can a girl get, to randomly meet Jonathon Davis on a plane and become friends with him. It still hadn't totally sank in, not until meeting Jacoby this afternoon anyway. I'd have to say Lacey will freak when I tell her about all of this.

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