Back to Work

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After Chester left the venue lounge and went back to his bus, I gathered my things and called for a cab home. So many thoughts flooded through my mind on they way back to Lacey's. Would things pick up where they left off between me and chester or was that just a fluke thing. Maybe he was just caught in the moment and it was only a one time deal. He is a big rockstar now, im sure he probably doesn't want to be tied down to anyone. Plus I had just got out of a bad relationship myself. Things with jason had really left me insecure, and scared to let someone else back in. So maybe it was best if Chester and I  stayed friends at least for now anyway. Okay rox you gotta shake these thoughts I said to myself, you have a shitload of work to do.
When I finally got home I took out my key and opened the door. I walked into the living room to find Lacey and Jonathan half asleep curled up on the couch. They were watching a movie, well trying to i guess before they fell asleep. They looked so cute together, I couldn't resist pulling my camera out and snapping a picture of the two of them. I went into my room and flipped the light on, if i was going to be ready by sunday I needed to start tonight. I got my camera hooked up to my computer and started uploading pictures. I had so many photos to sort through, before I even started adding the finishing touches. At one point i almost thought it was hopeless to be ready by sunday. I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen to grab myself a snack. I hadn't ate anything since this afternoon, and here it was almost 2 am. While i was in there I decided to make a pot of coffee. I would need it if there was any hope of getting this done. Normally deadlines didn't faze me, but this one was just not enough time. I knew this when I agreed to do it, but I also know sometimes you have to step it up when there is a great opportunity on the line. This was a prime example of that. This one job had the power to make me or break me in this industry, and i needed to succeed. I was sitting there in the kitchen waiting for my coffee to get done when I heard a sleepy voice say my name.
"Roxie" Lacey said.
"Yeah Lace" I replied.
"What on earth are you doing making coffee at 2am?" She asked me.
"I'm sorry Lace I didn't mean to wake you!" I replied. I just have a lot of work to do and I need some serious caffeine if I'm gonna get it done! I explained.
"You're fine Rox you didn't wake me" she replied. I was still half awake she stated. So how was your first gig? She asked me.
"It actually went pretty well for the most part" I answered with a bit of hesitation. I mean the filming part was pretty easy and so were the picture.
"But?" She asked knowing me all to well.
"There is no but Lace" I replied trying to weasel my way out of the conversation.
"Roxie I know you better than that" she said. I know something happened.
"It's nothing really" I started. I just ran into an old friend at the show is all. It was kind of hard for me, i got a little emotional is all.
"Rox i don't remember you talking about many old friends" she stated. The only person you have ever got emotional talking about was.. Oh my God Rox, tell me you didn't run into Chester? She asked.
"Well I didn't exactly run into him" I replied quietly. He was actually on stage singing. It just so happens that his band was opening up for Papa Roach tonight.
"Wait I thought Linkin Park was opening for them?" She questioned.
"Lacey you knew?" I questioned. How could you not tell me?
"I knew they were supposed to open for them" she replied. Whats the big deal about that? She aked.
"Lacey He is the lead singer of Linkin Park!" I shouted at her without meaning to.
"Wait what?" She asked me.
"Chester is the lead singer" I stated again.
"Omg Roxie I am so sorry" she replied putting her hand over her mouth. I had no idea babes, I'm sorry.
"Whats all the commotion in here" we both heard turning around to see a half sleeping Jonathan.
"Hey Jon" I said with a smile.
"How did your first day go?" He asked me.
" She ran into her old flame from high school" Lacey shouted out.
"Lacey!" I yelled.
"Opps sorry Rox!" She said sincerely.
"Old flame?" Jonathon asked me.
"It's a long story J" I replied.
"Well it's 2 am and theres coffee kiddo, I'm all ears!" He replied.
We all grabbed a cup of coffee and walked into the living room. Sitting down on the sofa Jonathon grabbed Lacey's hand and brought her down beside him. I laid my coffee down on the table and sat across from them on the huge sofa.
"So?" j questioned.
"Okay so I used to date this boy in high school" I started. We started out as friends and then it became more, pretty much your typical relationship. Except my mother was fucking crazy and this boy helped me get away from her, until my dad died that was. Then my mother came back and decided she was taking us kids to florida. I was crushed when I had to leave and my mother destroyed my phone on the way to the airport, so I lost the only way I could contact my boyfriend. I was absolutely devastated, we were getting pretty serious with eachother. As a matter of fact he took my virginity the night my mother made me leave for Florida, and i was never able to talk to him again after that.
"Damn kid thats rough" J stated. So you ran into this guy tonight at the show? He asked.
"Yeah I did" i replied. It was really quite an emotional situation for me. I haven't seen him for 8 years and then to see him up on that stage it killed me.
"Wait on stage?" J questioned with an extremely confused look on his face. Was he like a tech or something? He asked.
"No he was one of the lead singers!" I replied.
Jonathon literally choked on his coffee spitting half of it across the room.
"Where did you go to school again?" He asked trying to put all the peices together.
" Phoenix Arizona" I replied to him.
His eyes got very wide and he sat there in a bit of a trance for a moment. When he finally looked at me and spoke I couldn't believe what I heard.
"You were the girl" He said barely above a whisper. He looked like he had just put together a 5000 peice puzzle. " You are the girl Chester dated in high school!" He exclaimed.
"Yours truly" I replied being a smart ass. "Wait a minute how do you know about all this?" I asked jonathon.
" Chester and I have been friends for a while now" He explained. But I had no idea, otherwise i would have told you before you took this job He said in a very sincere tone. Did he notice you?
"Yep and it wasn't pretty." I replied. He didn't know what happened all those years ago, so he thought i had just tossed him aside. Needless to say he was pretty pissed and by the time Papa Roach got done he had already trashed the lounge at the venue.
"Shit" J said. Did he calm down? He asked.
"After I explained everything he did" I replied. Then his buddy mike came in and he didn't look to happy after seeing the damage.
"I know Chester and I know his temper so I can't imagine it was pretty" J stated. I might have to do some damage control tomorrow, i know the owners pretty well. Hopefully they will go easy on him.
"Thanks J" I told him. I would hate to see him get in trouble because of me. I need to get back to work but I'll see you sunday. Goodnight Lace I said before heading back to my room.

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