The Hangover

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I woke up in my hotel room hanging half way off the bed. My head was throbbing, and I was sick to my stomach. I knew I shouldn't have drank that much last night. Chester and I had a blast dancing and drinking. We did so many shots it was unreal, on top of that we had several mixed drinks each. I knew I was going to pay for it but we were having so much fun I didn't want to stop or leave. We finally came back to the hotel around 6 am, i don't really even remember getting back to the hotel just fuzzy memories of chester helping me to my room and into my bed. I reached for the nightstand to get my phone and found a little note before reaching my phone.
I had a great time last night catching up with you and dancing. Didn't know you could move like that ;)
Order some breakfast with some strong coffee and take the two pills i left on the table for you, it will help with the hangover. Don't worry about the price either, I have already taken care of it. Get yourself feeling better and then head to the venue, we will be here until the show tonight.
He is still such a sweetheart, I thought. He has always looked out for me and treated me like a princess. Maybe he is wanting more than a friendship again. If he wrote me that letter this morning then that must mean he stated the night in my room instead of going back to his own. He was probably just too drunk to go down there, I thought.
I did as chester instructed and ordered breakfast with very strong coffee. Before I even started eating the food I took the two pain pills he had left me for my headache, and i chased them down with the coffee. I picked at the food, I couldn't eat much with my stomach hurting like it was. After I started to feel a little better, i looked through my clothes for something to wear to the show. I decided on a pair of miss me jeans and a sinful top, with heals and my makeup as usual. I felt to shitty to do my hair today so i simply put it into a messy bun. Normally I wouldn't go out without my hair done perfectly but today I just didn't give a shit. I grabbed my purse after calling the front desk for my ride to the venue. Luckily I didn't have to lug all of my equipment around because it was already there with all the band equipment. When I made it to the hotel entrance, my ride was already waiting for me. I woke up late and it was already 3pm so im glad they got here quickly. I really needed to get my things ready for the show, technically I didn't need to be ready until 10 when PR took the stage, but I wanted to try and grab a few good shots of Chester tonight. I realise I was only hired to photograph Papa Roach, but no one said I couldn't take some pictures for myself while I was here.
When I arrived at the venue LP was already on the stage practicing their set, it was going to be a great show from what I saw already. At least this show I won't cause Chester to mess up his lyrics. I feel really terrible about that to be honest. Chester saw me starting at him and shot me a grin, before continuing with his routine. I smiled back at him happily and made my way backstage to get my own things ready for tonight.
"Hey hottness whatcha doing" I heard Shaddix holler at me earning a bunch of comments from his bandmates.
"Hey shaddix" I replied nicely even though he insulted me last night. "I'm just getting my camera's ready for tonight!" I replied.
"Look I'm sorry about last night" he spoke reluctantly. "I had a little bit too much to drink before the flight." He stated.
"We left at 11am Jacoby" I exclaimed. "How did you drink that much, that early?" I asked him.
"I start drinking early" He replied. "What the hell is the point in waiting!" He blurted out.
"Well that doesn't suggest you have a drinking problem!" I replied a little shittier than I ment too.
"So does your friend Chester" He spat back at me. "But you don't seem to have an issue with that!" He exclaimed in a shitty tone.
" You know nothing about Chester!" I replied. "So you need to stop right there" I added.
"I know plenty about Chester!" He fired back again. "Actually more than you do" He added with a shit eating grin.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I replied getting very angry.
"Why don't you ask him what Sam would think about him sleeping in your room last night!" He replied with that fucking smirk still on his face.
Wait, what? I thought to myself who is sam and why would he care about that?
"Shaddix?" I said after a few minutes of silence. "Who's Sam?" I asked.
"Ask your Loverboy!" He replied to me with venom in his voice.
Okay what the hell is this shit all about i thought again. Why don't I know anything about this Sam person, Chester is usually pretty open with me about things. How is it that Jacoby knows about this person and I don't? The thoughts kept filling my head while I tried to get my things ready for the show. Eventually I couldn't stand it anymore so I walked to the side of the stage catching Chesters attention. I motioned for him to come over here when he had a chance. After finishing the song he was singing, he layed the microphone down and came over to me.
"Do you have a minute to talk?" I asked him nicely.
"Im kinda busy at the moment Rox, but I can make a few minutes." He replied. "What's up?"
"Who is Sam?" I asked bluntly, there was no need to beat around the bush.
"Who told you about Sam?" He asked, his face going ghost white.
"Never mind that Chester!" I replied to him. "A better question is why does everyone else know and I don't?" I added coldly.
"Rox! Please Babe." He begged me as I started to walk away from him. "I can explain!" He added.
I turned around and walked back towards him, still feeling hurt that everyone including Jacoby knew something I didn't. Chester always told me things, even shit he never told anyone else so I wasn't understanding this at all.
"Sam is my... She is my wife." He barely choked out.
"Your what?" I asked not believing what I just fucking heard. I was about to flip my shit on this jackass.
"Roxie please I wanted to tell you, I just didn't know how!" He explained. "I had so many different emotions  that night!" he added. "I wanted to tell you so bad, but I lost the nerve and then I lost control." After that kiss I couldn't bear telling you and watching you walk away from me again. I have been trying to figure out how to tell you since, but i just couldn't bring myself to do it. We have had such a great time together, I didn't want to ruin it and I didn't want to hurt you. I swear Roxie if I would have known that I was ever going to see you again, I never would have married her. I really loved you, I just thought I had lost you forever. I thought you didn't want me anymore after I never heard from you. So after meeting sam I decided to give it a shot, and she has been very good to me. I feel terrible about all of this, I am so sorry He finished.
"Chester I can't believe you!" I replied with disappointment in my voice and I ran away from him and onto my bands tour bus. I sat down on the couch and burst into tears. How could he do this to me? I thought, How could he not tell me and sit here and lead me on like this. I knew he probably wouldn't want an actual relationship because of his lifestyle but boy was I wrong. He was fucking married, He is tied down to someone and it wasn't me. Tears poured from my eyes onto my cheeks and my clothes. I really thought he loved me and I was so wrong, he has  committed himself to someone else. Why the hell would he kiss me? Why the hell did he take me on a date and sleep in my bed? Why did he get Derek Jeter to meet me? Did she know about me? About him kissing and holding me that night we saw eachother for the first time in 8 years? So many questions, and I couldn't answer any of them. Chester is the only one that could and who knows if I could even believe the answers that he gave me. On top of that I didn't even want to speak to him at the moment, maybe never again for that matter.

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