New York

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Roxies Pov
When we touched down in New York Chester woke me up by softly nudging my arm a few times.
"Babe wake up!" He said softly. "Its time for you to finally see New York!" He exclaimed.
I opened up my eyes and glanced out the window, all I saw was a shitty runway.
"Chaz you woke me up for this?" I questioned still half asleep. "I'm going to kill you!" I added.
"No i didn't wake you up for this!" He replied laughing a bit with a funny smirk on his face. " I woke you up because it's time to get of the plane sleepy head!" He explained. On top of that I have a suprise for you he said proudly.
"What kind of surprise?" I questioned.
"If I told you silly it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He answered me with a rhetorical question. He always made me crazy when he dad that years ago. It's good to know that some things never change I laughed to myself.
We grabbed our carry on luggage and made our way off the plane. Chester stayed right behind me the entire time, he was still protective over me I could tell by his actions.
Jacoby turned around with a questioning stare! "Did I miss something?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I questioned him back.
"I mean do you guys know eachother or something?" He asked. "It's just you guys seem awful friendly with eachother after just meeting!" He explained. "That is unless your just that type of girl" He added insulting me.
"Easy Shaddix" Chester said sharply stepping in front of me. "You really need to watch what you're insinuating!" Chester spat at him.
"Or what?" Jacoby asked him. "What you gonna do about it Chazy Chaz?" He mocked chester.
"Man I really don't wanna fight you, we have to deal with eachother for almost three months." Chester replied to him. "With that being said if you disrespect her in front of me again, Im gonna knock you back down to size!" Chester stated bluntly. "Thats your choice shaddix. You can either turn around and walk off of this plane, or I can remove you from it!" Chester finished.
Jacoby gave him a nasty look for a few moments before he turned around and walked off the plane. I could tell by that disagreement alone that those two were going to end up in some sort of altercation these next few months. I don't understand it really Jonathon said they have always been cool with eachother. Chester usually didn't go around causing trouble but i knew he would fight someone over disrespecting me, he has done it before. As for Jacoby I don't know him that well but he seems to have one hell of a short fuse and a bad temper. I really hope these two sort shit out with eachother I thought knowing it wasn't going to end well for any of us if they didn't. All Jacoby has to do is keep his nasty, rude ass comments to himself and we shoud be fine. I can't really say I believe that will happen because he seems very cocky and arrogant! In a way it is almost attractive, but at the same time it makes him a dick. I really don't know what to think of him so far considering one minute he seems nice and sweet, then the next minute he acts like a total asshole.
Chester and I got off the plane after Jacoby and his band, as soon as we made it into the airport Chester grabbed my hand and led me out the door. When we finally made it outside , there were two limos sitting in front of the building. I'm assuming one was for Papa Roach and one was for Chester, because he took my hand and led me to the white one. The driver opened the door for the two of us as always and put our bags in the trunk.
"Where are we going?" I asked chester after sitting down in the limo.
"We are going to have some fun!" He exclaimed. "You have never been in New York and they have some amazing night clubs!" He explained.
"So we are going to a club?" I asked.
"Well since it is so late I figured we might as well have some fun together" He explained. "Besides tomorrow the work grind starts, there won't be a lot of time for fun!" He added. "Plus we need to catch up, it's been ages since we have actually hung out!"
"Sounds good to me!" I exclaimed. "I could use some fun before everything gets hectic"
We talked about all kinds of this on the ride to our hotel. Chester wanted to go check in and drop off our luggage before we went out. Plus we both needed to change clothes before we went to the club. When we finally arrived at the hotel, we walked up to the counter and checked ourselves in. Both of our rooms were on the 5th floor, but Chester's was down the hall from mine. He walked me to my room and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking down to his own. I decided to jump in a quick shower while I waited for the staff to bring my luggage up to the room. After my quick shower, I slipped into one of the comfy robes the hotel provided. This place was amazing, I walked out of my bathroom into the huge living area and my luggage was already there. I opened my suitcase and picked out the cutest black and silver mini dress, along with a gorgeous pair of silver heels. I did my hair and my make up, and waited for chester to get back down here. It didn't take him very long i thought when I heard him knock on my door. I walked to the door opening it up with a sexy smile on my face. To my surprise it wasn't chester, it was my all time favorite baseball player. Derek fucking jeter stood in front of my hotel room at 2 in the morning. I must be fucking dreaming I thought to myself.
"Roxie Callahan?" He asked me.
"Yes that's me!" I barely choked out.
He held his hand out to me, I happily took his hand and let him guide me down the hallway to the elevators. Once we got in the elevator, he finally spoke again.
"I was told you are a baseball lover, and a huge fan of mine!" He explained.
"You were told correctly!" I replied excited. "But who told you that?" I asked him.
"Someone who obviously cares very much about you!" He exclaimed.
As we exited the elevator derek put his hand around my waist and walked me toward the hotels beautiful entrance. I let out a gasp when I saw Chester standing by the doors with his arm held out for me. Derek gave me a friendly hug and handed me off to chester with a smile on his face.
"Chaz!" I stated looking straight into his brown eyes.
"Yes?" He replied as if he had done nothing.
"You remembered that after all these years?" I asked him remembering 8 years ago when I told him how much i loved baseball and how I idolized Derek Jeter so much. I had only told him that one time, I was amazed he actually remembered it.
"Of course I did!" He replied with a smile.
"Thank you so much!" I replied sincerely. "Clubbing was never the surprise was it?" I asked.
"No, it was not!" He replied with a grin. "But we are still going clubbing!" He exclaimed laughing.

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