Saturday Morning

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Roxies Pov
It is 10 am and here I was still wide awake. I have only drank about three pots of coffee to keep me going, but I'm still at it. I have sorted through thousands of photos, picking out my favorite ones. I had just started to add some effects to them when I heard my bedroom door creak open.
"My God Rox! Have you even been to sleep yet?" Lacey asked me.
I looked up at her and thought about trying to lie, but i knew it wouldn't be any use.
"Not technically" I replied with an opps look on my face.
"Roxie you have got to get some sleep" She replied.
"Lacey I can't I have too much work to do!" I exclaimed. I have so much shit to get done and I only have till tomorrow afternoon. What I present to them tomorrow has to be perfect or I won't get the Job. I really need this job Lace, it will get my foot in the door. Without this chance I won't be able to get started in this business. On top of that Jonathon stuck his ass on the line to get me this chance, I can't fuck it up! I said stressing big time.
"Well can we at least help you?" She asked.
"What do you mean we?" I questioned her.
Just about the time I finished my sentence Jonathon comes through the door holding three huge cups of starbucks coffee.
"Anyone need some expresso?" He asked with a grin on his face.
"Jonathan, I love you!" I said laughing. In a friendly way I added quickly causing all three of us to laugh.
"C'mon kid lets see what you got!" He said excited. I know exactly what kind of stuff they are going to be looking for tomorrow. I don't know shit about the digital stuff, or enhancing things but I believe Lacey here does he added smiling.
"She does" I replied with a grin. How long exactly have you two been planning this? I questioned them both.
"Only since last night when you went back to your room!" Lace said with a warm smile. I know you to well Roxie, you will kill yourself making sure you get this done. So me and Jonathon figured we would help you get it finished so you can get some rest. While I showered this morning, Jon ran into town to grab us all some breakfast and stronger coffee she added smiling and giving Jon a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you both so much" I said gratefully.
"One other thing" Jonathon said. While I was getting breakfast and doing damage control with the venue owners I ran into a friend. He wanted to tag along and give you a hand as well he added.
I gave him a questioning look, a little confused as to who the hell would want to help me out? Jonathon just pointed towards the kitchen. I got of from my desk and made my way into the kitchen to see who the hell was here. I was so tired my brain wasn't working at all, I tried to think of who the hell it could be but I couldn't think of anyone. Once I got to the kitchen I was met with a smiling Chester streched out in one of the chairs.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in a playful tone.
"Well J was at the venue this morning trying to clean up my mess!" He started. I didn't know how he even knew about it so I asked him. Thats when he started telling me about you, and how you guys met. He told me about the meeting at the studio and getting you the job that landed you at the concert last night. It's kinda crazy how all of this has happened really, but I'm glad it did.
"So that still doesn't tell me why you are here now?" I replied questioning him again.
"Oh anyway" he continued. We were just talking about shit, when Jon said he had to get going. He said he needed to get back here with breakfast and coffee because you had been up all night long working. So I told him I wanted to come help out as well, I don't want you killing yourself Roxie!
"Chester thats sweet but you really don't have too!" I explained. Don't you have a busy day of work yourself?
"Nah" he stated. We don't start touring with Papa Roach until Monday, so I am pretty much free until then He continued.
"Wait" I said. You guys are doing the whole tour with them? I thought it was just one show?
"Nope" he said popping the P like a smartass. We will be on tour with them until mid July or the beggining of August, we haven't decided yet.
"Thats awesome Chaz" I replied.
"Yep" he stated. So what all do we have to get done before you'll actually get some sleep? He asked me.
"I need to get at least 100 good photo's edited and enhanced." I stated. Then I might think about taking a nap before I work on putting the video footage together! I added. The video will be pretty easy all i have to do is merge all the different footage together, but the pictures I have to edit and I have already sorted through thousands of them to get the best ones.
"Holy shit Rox!" He said excited. Do you think you took enough pictures?
"Well to ensure that I have enough great shots yes!" I replied. Not all of them are usable, its gets hard to get a clean shot when you guys are running and jumping around like crazy on stage. Plus you throw in all those lights, it gets tricky at times.
"Never thought of all that" He replied.
"Thats why I am the one who takes your pictures and videos!" I said being a smartass again. I loved playing around with him, it was hilarious when I got a rise out of him. So how are you going to help me? I asked him. I know what Lace is helping with and I know what Jon is doing but what are you going to be doing exactly.
"Im going to keep you awake" he said. Im going to keep you company and make sure you don't fall asleep! He said laughing this time.
"Ches your such a nerd" I said smacking him playfully on the shoulder.
"I know" he replied smiling.

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