You have to be kidding me

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Roxies pov
I don't even remember passing out last night, all i know is I woke up with the worst hangover I have ever had. Not only did I have a hangover, I woke up on J's chest with his left arm around my waist. I laid there for a moment admiring his facial features, he was a very attractive man. If only I had met him before chester maybe I could have had feelings for him, maybe even loved him. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, Chester stole my heart years ago and I was afraid he would always have it. I don't want to go through life lonely, but I also know I will never feel the same for anyone else. If I'm not with him, I would never feel complete and it wouldn't be right for me to do what he is doing to me to someone else. I guess the plus side to that is Jacoby isn't the type to have feelings like that towards any female, that is why it's safe with him. However this morning was different than usual, normally he would leave after we were done doing our thing. He has never stayed overnight in my room or held me while I slept. I could only hooe he wasn't developing feelings towards me. I would be lying if I said I didn't have any for him, because I had noticed a difference In myself lately. I just dont worry about it because I know I would never let myself get involved with someone else after jason. He really fucked my head up, the only man I trusted was Chester and even he made me wonder after finding out about Samantha. Sometimes I wonder if i will ever be able to trust anyone again or truly love anyone again. I laid there in Jacoby's arms until I heard a knock on the door, who the fuck could that be I thought knowing Chester was crammed up samantha's ass for the next few days. Whoever it was knocked again causing Jacoby to wake up.
"Don't move babe I'll get it!" He said sweetly obviously knowing I was in pain from last night.
He slipped out of the covers and threw his boxers and jeans on. He walked to the door shirtless and opened it up.
"Oh shit!" I gasped under my breath when i saw who it was.
I jumped out of bed throwing on my clothes quickly, chasing a fuming Chester down the hallway of the hotel. I grabbed his arm to stop him and he swung around quickly.
"You have got to be fucking Kidding me Roxie!" He screamed at me.
"Chester!" Was all I could get out of my mouth.
"Tell me for fucks sake you didn't fucking sleep with him!" He questioned with anger and hurt in his voice. "Tell me you two just shared a room!" He begged me.
"Chester I'm so-
"Don't!" He cut me off. "Don't you dare tell me your sorry!" He said again. " I just came to see how your night went and to check on you before sam woke up, but I can see your night went fine!" He spat at me, his words peircing through my skin.
He stormed off down the hallway, heading back down to his room. I walked back into my room and broke down in tears. Jacoby who was now dressed came to my side on the floor and kneeled down in front of me. He wiped my tears away.
"Roxie I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean for this to happen. I figured he would be busy for the next few days, if i had known he would come down here i would have went back to my own room this morning." He said sympathetically. "I never wanted to hurt you, I just wanted to help take away the pain." He stated sincerely.
"It's not your fault Jacoby, and really it isn't mine either!" I stated coldly. "I really didn't want to hurt him, but he can't have me waiting around for him forever either. I will sort things out with him once sam leaves." I stated.
"Jacoby why did you stay last night?" I asked him out of curiosity.
"I don't know I just felt like Holding you!" He replied before walking out the door.

Chesters pov
I woke up early so I could check on roxie before sam wakes up, i felt terrible about breaking our plans last night. I really hope she found something to do other than go out drinking with a bunch a guys, but she was smart if she did im sure she didn't get too drunk. I made my way down to the third floor of the hotel where Roxies room was. Normally we would have been on the same floor but with Sam comming I thought it would be better to distance them from eachother, so i switched mine to the 5th floor. When I finally got to her room I lightly knocked on the door, after a few minutes of no answer I knocked a bit louder. I couldn't believe my eyes when that son of a bitch opened the door. My first instinct was to hit that mother fucker straight in his nose and watch his blood drop onto the floor. My second was to pull my knife out and stab him with it, and my third instinct told me to just walk away. My wife was two floors above me sleeping, she hadn't seen me in over a month and here I am sneaking downstairs to check on the other woman I love who was in bed with another man. A man that I have warned her about several times. All of a sudden it just didn't seem worth it. If she wanted him, she could have him. I have a woman upstairs that is good to me and if I start trouble down here that woman upstairs is going to ask a bunch of questions I would rather not answer right now, just walk away Chester i told myself. I couldn't believe she would do this to me, I trusted her. I fucking loved her and she stomped on my heart. After our arguement in the hallway i went upstairs and did a few lines of coke to calm down before Sam woke up and started asking questions, she knew me well enough to know when I was worked up over something. I needed to talk to mike I thought after calming down a bit, maybe he can help me make sense of all this shit. Whatever I decided i needed to wait until Sam was gone before I sort this shit out.

Living My Dream (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz