Chapter 3

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The smell of blood brought me back to my scenes. I always hated the smell. The iron just did not sit in my nose right, always made me want to barf. I looked around, almost everyone was looking at me except the boy who was looking at the bleeding marks on the back of his hand and strangely enough he was smiling.

I jumped up, grabbed my stuff and ran down the hall. I didn’t get far enough before I heard people talking, “What’s her problem?” “What is she a cat?” “Are you ok?” “She’s such a jerk!” “What was with her nails?” “Man, I hope she’s not in my class.”

I slowed down and looked at my hand. My claws were out and curved, each had a little blood on them. The smell made me dizzy. I focused and my nails went back to normal.

I walked to the nearest bathroom and washed my hands. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were huge and my hair was sticking up. I thought about his look, his smell and without my command, my claws came out dug into the side of the sink and I growled.

I blinked and looked around; luckily no one was in here but me. I relaxed my nails, flattened my hair, and took a deep breath. I just needed to calm down. He was just another human, just a normal human. No matter how many times I said it I just couldn’t believe it something was off about that boy.

I dried my hands and strained my ears to make out any noise outside the door, nothing so I walked out the bathroom and kept walking. I needed to get to my homeroom and get out; luckily we are only here for an hour. So I just have to take the class for 60 minutes then I can go home Change and not think one human thought.

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