Chapter 28

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“Did you hear that Taylor? Sounds like some wolves are nearby.” I harden my face, she had no idea. “Hey let’s go to gym.” We walked in and sat down. The whole time I couldn’t stop thinking about the howl and the creep.

During gym all I could do was make up things that could be happening to the creep. They kept getting worse until in every one the creep was dying. I couldn’t take that but I could help it I kept thinking the worst.

Gym ended, I walked to my next class still thinking about the…about Jonathan. Ok ok I admit it I worried about him bu-but only because he is a big part of my plan not because I like him or anything. I signed I really needed to get over this.

The rest of the day I just looked out the windows wondering what was happening. So for the second day in a row I completely blew off all my later classes. As the last bell of the day rang I basically ran to the front doors. Then someone poked me. I turned and Summer was behind me.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” I took a deep breath, I needed to relax. I mean I was probably over reacting. I mean who knows maybe the wolves were just talking about something and since Jonathan is a Beta he had to go that makes sense right?

“Oh nowhere just want to get out this place before Mr. Z could give me another detention.” Summer laughed and we both started walking to the doors. She talked about her show again but this time I really heard her and even talked back.

We walked into the parking lot and that was when I heard another howl. Ok that was the last straw, “Hey Summer I need to….” “Oh look there’s my mom see ya!” Summer ran over to her car. Well that couldn’t have worked out better if I had planned it.

I started running to my house. I got there and flew open the front door, “What’s going on?” My mom was on the couch, dad was pacing back and forth he was the one that answered, “I don’t know what but something is making the Wave Pack very upset.” I closed the door, “Ok so what are we going to do?” Dad stopped pacing and looked at me surprised, “What are we going to do? Get out of here quick before they come over here!”

I ran over to him, “What if something important is happening? We should go see!” He shook his head, “If it is important we should stay away it could be dangerous. Besides you said it yourself they are just some dumb dogs.”

I was in a word, shocked. Sure I had said that but only about that jerk of an Alpha not the whole pack, I mean Jonathan told me his uncle was a jerk to everyone not just us. Something really bad could be going down and we were going to leave? Images of Jonathan dying flooded my mind.

I walked to the back door, opened it and walked outside. Mom and dad followed me out, “Where are you going?” Panic was in my mom’s voice but I had to do something. I turned my head to my parents getting in maybe my last good look at them, “I’m sorry.” With that I turned jumped over the fence and ran into the forest as the afternoon air filled with howls.

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