Chapter 21

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Hello people this chapter is dedicated brittanysilva for becoming my fan. Thanks a lot! This chapter is a little long then I wanted but whatever. Enjoy!


I didn’t know what to do my tiger felt like it had left me. I closed my eyes; I had started shaking it was weird like I could feel his strength. I didn’t know what was happening until I felt a hand on my head. Not a paw, a hand. I opened my eyes and my dad was staring at me and his hand was on my head.

“I told you I would win. Don’t you feel better?” He sat down in the grass in front of me. “Is my tiger gone now?” He shook his head, “Of course not it is just hiding, and now that it lost two times your tiger is probably very upset.” He stood up and started walking away and I followed. “So your name is Bite right? And you can turn into a tiger too so you must really be my dad.”

He didn’t turn and look at me but he nodded, “Yes I am.”I had so many questions but one was I have wondered about since I was little, “Why did you leave? I mean who leaves their girlfriend with some supernatural child?” He stopped quickly and I ran into him. He turned to me, “I couldn’t stay, but I did love your mother and you.”

He looked at me and smiled then started walking again. “See I grew up like you only worse I had no idea who or what I was. I grew up without anybody to help me. I even lived just as a tiger for a couple years but I was captured by some humans. I was sitting in a zoo when I saw your mother she was so amazing and…”

I walked in front of him and stopped; he stopped and looked down at me. “Mom already old me how you met I want to know why you left.” He signed, “Fine I stayed with your mother for a long time. I showed her what I was but she didn’t care. Then she came to me one day and I could feel something different about her.” He looked me directly in the eye.

“That day your mother walked slowly up to me, she looked scared. I was extremely worried but then she sat down next to me and before she even told me I knew. She was going to have you at 17. She was so scared saying her dad would kill her for even know a 19 old guy must less having his child. So I took her away and we lived together. But after a time my tiger felt uneasy, it kelp telling me I should leave. I was able to ignore the instinct to leave but it was hard.”

He sat down like this talk was wearing him out; I sat down in the grass next to him. “So you grew in your mother and she was happy. I warned her that you could be like me but she said she didn’t care. After a few months you were ready. I didn’t know what to do. We were living in this town and believe it or not it was even smaller and it didn’t even have a doctor. She as bleeding so much I cursed myself for putting her though it.” He shook his head as if he could make the memories fall out his head.

You were finally born and you were ok and so was your mother. She let me hold you. You were so small and you were crying then you leaned close to me took a deep breath and for the first time you Changed. The tiger in me jumped out I-I growled at you and was about claw you but I stopped myself. I gave you back to you mother. She wasn’t mad she felt sorry for me and asked what had happened but I didn’t know.

He stopped talking and I sat there trying to remember him doing what he said but I couldn’t. He let out a shaky breath and looked down. “After about a week I was able to control my tiger again. You liked to Change all the time which caused my tiger to go little crazy but I could take it.”

He looked back up to me, I looked straight at him, “So where are you getting to all this? You are just taking about me as a baby but I asked why did you leave? Just tell me!” He chuckled, “You are stubborn aren’t you? Well fine you see after about a month since you were born…” He stood up and looked at an opening in the trees he didn’t turn back but he kept talking, “…some unexpected guests came over. “

I looked at the opening and saw something, something animal. I started shaking again, looked up at my dad, “Is it…” He put his hand over my month. I thought about biting him when seven wolves walked through the opening. They were huge, as big if not big then a bear. One of the wolves stepped forward. Then it started shaking and suddenly a man was standing in front of my dad, “You said you would never come back here.” Wait a minute…there are other weres here? What the hell!?!?!?!?!

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