Chapter 18

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I hit the ground, hard. I moaned and rolled over. My back hurt I looked at where I landed and there was glass, well that explains a lot. I looked at the front doors. There was a huge whole sucks for whoever has to fix that.

There was a loud roar, it sounded kind of like...there was a loud crash and a tiger ran through what was left of the doors. I was shocked, I didn't even move all I could do was sit there and stare. The tiger looked at me and jumped.

I wanted to move to do anything but I was frozen in place. Sure I have seen tigers before in books and even at a circus but this one was different. I got my scenes back when the tiger's paw shot out and clawed my shoulder. That was the last straw I tried to focus to Change but the tiger attacked me again.

This time though I was able to move out the way but for some reason my arm wasn't working plus my shirt was starting to get soaked with blood from my back. The tiger kept attacking and I kept moving.

After a bit we were by the school's field. I didn't know what to do, I need to Change but to do that I need to focus but by the time I do that the tiger would kill me. I needed to do something fast though I was tried and I needed to fix myself up.

Maybe if I could hide somewhere so I can Change. I ran toward the parking lot the tiger ran after me it was close but since I can still ran as fast as a tiger I was a little ahead. I got to the lot and hid behind a car.I hated having to hide I needed to Change and show that tiger what a real fight is.

I started focusing then I heard a loud roar. I looked over the side of the car; the tiger was push cars out the way and was really close. Come on focus, focus, if only that wasn't my worst trait. My head was pounding; it was getting hard to stay awake. There was a crash and the car I was hiding behind was now on the other side of the lot and the tiger was behind me.

Its claw took a swing and I jumped and started running but I tripped, stupid hole. I looked at the tiger; it roared and hit a car, which came flying toward me. I wanted to move I needed to move but I was just so tried if I could just lie down. I closed my eyes well at least I will be with mom soon. I heard a roar and felt a big gust of wind.

I opened my eyes and a huge tiger was in front of me, it was bigger than me as a tiger and way bigger than the other tiger. Plus this tiger was growling. The other tiger was under the same car that it had thrown at me. Had the bigger tiger saved me? The big tiger turned and looked at me, but for some reason I wasn't worried I felt safe. This tiger felt

My head pounded harder, my eyes stated closing with the tiger roaring at me and for some reason I knew what it was saying, "Taylor! Taylor! Stay awake!" How did it know my name? The pavement started looking closer, I was out before I even hit the ground.


Teenage WeretigerWhere stories live. Discover now