Our Ianthony Moments

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Chapter 1


It was still weird between me and Ian. It’s hard to get used to the fact we’re going out now. After all those years of just friends, best friends at that. It was just hard to get used to being with him. I’m not complaining though, it’s what we both want.

It has only been two days into the relationship we haven’t done much yet. I was hoping tonight could change that. Although we had a whole day of editing ahead so it was unlikely.

It was around 1:00 am, we were both really tired after the long day. We shut down our laptops. Today went really well, me and Ian have been getting on better than ever before since we are together now. Ian’s arm was around me for most of the time I was editing, he was giving me instructions as I’m better at editing. His arm around me made me feel secure and safe.

We talked about our fans and if we should tell them, yes they would be extremely happy especially the Ianthony fandom but I think it would put too much pressure on us as we just started dating. We both decided that the time needed to be right. I don’t think there will be much surprise after all our videos contain a lot of Ianthony moments and even fan fiction reading.

I got up from the chair, kissed Ian on the forehead and said goodnight. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. It took me by surprise.

“That all you got?” he said cheekily with a smirk on his face.

I had never seen this side of Ian before. I liked it.

He then kissed me on the lips. It was a tender kiss; his tongue gently brushed the tip of my tongue. It made me want more. I hoped the kiss would escalate further but it didn’t …not yet anyway.

I stood there awkwardly after the kiss. Expecting more. Ian is so handsome; he looked so cute when he was sleepy. His eyes still sparkled a beautiful blue even though they were droopy from lack of sleep.

I love his hair, it looked so fluffy and soft. I know I always joke about his bowl hair but the truth is I really love it. It suits him and the beard too. He looked so grown up. So much manly more than ever in the past few years of our friendship.

I always knew we would end up together. I can be myself around him. We just get each other. Our bond is so strong and it just makes me feel amazing when I think of the connection we have.

“Well aren’t you going to bed?” he asked staring confusingly at me.

It stopped my daydreaming.

“Oh  ... right yeah, goodnight….Bitch” I said jokingly.

I started making me way to my room.

“Hey I’m your bitch now!” Ian shouted the other side of the hall.

We both laughed.

I then said, “Okay seriously though goodnight”.

I couldn’t sleep at all. I checked the time; it was 2:12 am. I felt so lonely and just wanted to lie next to Ian. I usually wanted this most nights when I couldn’t sleep before we got together. But now we’re together which means I can! I’m still trying to get used to all this.

I knocked on Ian’s door. No answer. I think he is asleep. I opened the door and I was right, he was fast asleep.

He looked adorable all curled up; I gently lie beside him and put the covers over me too. He was a light sleeper so he woke up as soon as he felt me get under the covers.

“Ant-Anthony?” Ian whispered, he seemed surprised.

“Shh go back to sleep I’m just lonely. I needed to be with you” I explained.

“Oh okay, thank you for keeping me company. You know I really love the idea of us finally being together” He croaked, still half asleep.

“Me too, Ian me too” I replied.

I rested my head on his shoulder, our bodies against each other.

I couldn’t help but smile. He was so cute. I love him, words can’t describe how much I do. He makes me laugh and cheers me up whenever I’m down. We have been through a lot together and I wouldn’t have wanted to go through it with anybody else.

Feeling complete to be together at last.

I drifted off to sleep snuggled beside Ian’s warm body.

I don’t think I had ever been happier in my life than that moment.

And I knew there was going to be many moments like that with my new boyfriend Ian.

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