When I Knew

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Chapter 4


I looked at the clock. It was time to get up. I turned over to wrap my arm around Anthony. He was gone. This is strange I thought. Where was he?

I jumped out of bed I was tired after our amazing night together. I loved the way he didn’t pressure me to do anything, he totally understood. I love Anthony. I truly do.

Do you ever find somebody and you just love everything about them? You can’t find any faults? You immediately click with them and you can’t imagine your life without them? I was alone for most of my life but that’s all over now. I am thankful for any day I get to be around Anthony. I feel happy for once.

I only really had my mom when I was younger. She was my best friend before Anthony and I met. From the moment I began becoming friends with Anthony I knew. I knew I wanted him to stay, I knew we had to stay friends. I had to be with him not even romantically, just around him. I was extremely unhappy as a child and teenager until I met him.

 I owe him my life. Of course I never told him any of these things.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my feelings towards Anthony. Not to damage the mood but I have thought of what would happen if we break up. Of course I thought about this when I asked him to go out with me but that was a chance I was willing to take. I’m still taking that chance.

In every relationship there is that 50/50 chance. You and your partner either break up or marry each other/ stay together forever. It scares me if I ever lose Anthony. I don’t wanna be alone again. I don’t think anybody wants to be alone.

Some people may deny it but you can see it in their eyes, it’s all an act. It’s a sign for help.

Why would Anthony pick me over all the other wonderful people in the world that are better than me? I’m so worthless compared to them.  I don’t get it. I know he loves me, I just don’t know why.

The moment I knew I was in love with Anthony was when one day we were in our friend’s house, just hanging out. I was 19 at the time. We were on the computer playing games and searching random funny things on the web. Our friend was making dinner for his younger brother and sister. He minded them when his parents were at work.

Anyway Anthony was in front of the computer I was facing him on the left with my feet resting on his lap (totally not gay right?) I couldn’t see the screen I could just see Anthony because of the way I was sitting. It’s hard to explain.

I remember putting the glass down after I drank and I took a glance at Anthony for a second. He had a goofy smile and was laughing at a troll face he found on the internet. Everything went blurry except him, it was as if he was the only one who existed on the planet. That’s when I knew. It had never happened before in my entire life. That’s when I knew that it was true love.

Wow that was along flashback, that was a couple of years ago and I still feel the same. I always loved Anthony more and more after that.

I checked the bathroom to see if he was in there.

“Anthony are you in the kitchen?” I shouted.

No answer.

“Anthony?” I asked.

Where the fuck was he? I started getting worried because he kind of just disappeared.

Our Ianthony Momentsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें