Too Drunk To Care

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Chapter 8

Wow chapter 8 already! Thanks for reading xD

“Well let’s hope their relationship lasts. They’re perfect for each other” my mom said.

Oh shit did she just fucking say that?

She just basically told his mom! I know she probably didn’t mean to, it must have slipped. I felt a kick from underneath the table it was Anthony.

“What….are you talking about?” Anthony’s mom asked.


Oh no I cannot believe she just said that. My mom’s face dropped, it turned from a smile to a completely confused expression.

Okay let’s try and act cool. I’m going to fix this.

“What do you mean? You make it sound like me and Ian are a couple. I’m confused”

“Yeah mom please tell us” Ian said and raised his eyebrows.

Thank god he went with my idea. We get each other I didn’t even have to tell him or anything he just knew what to do.

“Oh I didn’t mean for it to sound like that. I meant that your personalities compliment each other; you have the perfect relationship as in a friendship. It’s amazing that’s all” she badly explained.

She wasn’t good under pressure just like Ian. Let’s just hope my mom buys it.

“Ah I was starting to think that you’s were gay hahaha, not that there’s anything wrong with it but you really got me confused when you said that. I really don’t know what you meant. Thanks for clearing that up” said my mom.

“Haha how awkward was that” Ian said he was blushing like crazy so he tried to act all embarrassed and shocked that she would ever mention the word gay in the same sentence as me and Ian.

I suppose he was trying to act straight, like everybody thought he was and the same old Ian. Little did they know.

Ian was a good actor. Acting in Smosh has improved our skills.

I think the funeral went well. I am still sad but glad that everything was perfect just as my dad wanted. I knew he would be happy and that makes me smile. The only thing that went wrong was the thing Ian’s mom said but we covered it up with a completely stupid cover up. We got away with it though. I know she didn’t mean it, it slipped out and she wasn’t thinking but she really could have screwed things up.

Ian’s dads face when she said it was actually extremely funny.  I was struggling not to burst out laughing. He looked like he had just eaten something sour. He tried to cover it up so my mom didn’t see by taking a drink. His lips were as if they zipped shut after. That’s what I felt like when she said it but of course I didn’t show it. Again it’s the acting skill; clearly Ian’s dad doesn’t have it.

I still have to tell her about Ian and I though and I say she will be upset when she finds out that people have known before her. I hope she understands that I couldn’t tell her not just after she said that my dad fucking died.

The next few days were a struggle. Each second felt like a minute, each minute felt like an hour but then altogether the days went really fast. I don’t even know anymore.

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