Caught Out

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Chapter 12

Hey :3 This story will be updated on Tuesdays until it ends just so you all know


I woke up snuggled next to Anthony. I waited a while before I got up because I didn't want to disturb him.

I checked my phone that was on my bedside table and checked my messages. I had one from Mari.

Oh my god did Peter tell her?

I didn't know whether to open it now or wait until Anthony woke up.

After five minutes I got fed up of waiting and tried to wake Anthony up.

"Anthony" I called.

"Anthony wake up!"

He was mumbling "go away"

"Anthony quick wake up I have a message from Mari"

"Mari?" He asked quietly with his eyes still shut.

"Yes Mari. Now get up I want to see what it says"

No word from him. He was back asleep.

I shook him, kissed him, pushed him, shouted. Nothing would wake him up.

So I got a glass of water and poured it over him. He wasn't long getting up after that.

"What the hell dude? I'm going to kill you" he shouted as he tried to get out of bed.

"Hehe you'll have to catch me first" I giggled whilst running away.

"Okay Ian come back I'm not going to kill you but seriously you just threw a glass of water over me!"

"You're such a drama queen" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but you love it"

"Yeah I suppose so I have a message from Mari"

"Oh what does it say?"

"Well I haven't read it yet because somebody wouldn't get up"

"Yeah yeah. Now read it"

I opened the message and it was about this new game she bought and how we could try it out for Gametime with Smosh.

"Damn so he still hasn't told her?" Anthony asked.

"I guess so"

"Right that's it he has had enough time he can't keep sneaking around like this. I'm going to ring him" Anthony said.

"Well okay then if you want"

Anthony rang Peter’s mobile and there was no answer.

"Come on let's get breakfast and then we'll try again" I said.

I made breakfast while Anthony got dressed.

I put bacon on and some eggs. I don't really know how to cook that much but I like baking. I’m not very good at cooking or baking but I try my best. At least I know more about cooking than Anthony.

When the food was nearly done cooking Anthony came back into the kitchen and was getting drinks out of the fridge.

"So about last night and the whole fight thing. Listen I'm sorry I've been acting strange lately and a little down. It's just hard to get over everything you know?"

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