Our Ianthony Wedding (Part 1)

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Chapter 20

Hey guys this is part one of the wedding.

There are two or three more chapters to go.

Please check out my one shot "Memory Box" it would be much appreciated.

I will be uploading more one-shots soon.



I was waiting in the hotel to be called by Ryan the best man to say that everything was ready and I had to walk down the aisle. This wedding was just going to be like a heterosexual wedding but without the woman obviously and since we aren't getting married in a church a justice of peace is going to wed us and there will be no prayers of anything.

So there will just be an opening, vows, exchanging of rings (which I gave my one for Anthony to the ring bearer) and then finally the kiss.

I longed for my lips to touch Anthony's again it has been so long and I really miss him not only his lips but just him. I can't wait to hear his laugh and see him smile again.

Tonight was our wedding night and I think we were finally going to "do it" but I'm not quite sure. I hope so, I mean I'm ready now I love Anthony and I think it's time for us to be together physically.

I sat on the bed thinking about marriage and my future with Anthony until I was interrupted.

"Ian it's time to go. Ryan just gave me the all clear" it was my dad he had to walk me down the aisle obviously.

I took a deep breath and whispered "Okay you can do this"

I left the room and entered outside where they were all waiting.

I couldn't imagine how nervous and excited Anthony was. I could just see him in my head in his hopefully amazing suit and looking so handsome which I knew he would look so perfect. I imagined him standing at the end of the aisle waiting for me looking down twiddling his thumbs out of boredom.

The pressure was on me, everybody will be looking at me when I walk down that aisle which is scary. All eyes on me just like when we would do a script at Vidcon but they would be looking at Anthony too.

I walked out to the start of the aisle with my arm linked to my dad. I saw the bridesmaids on one side which included Mari and Ryan the best man and Joven, Sohinki and Lasercorn as the groomsmen on the other side.

Everyone turned when the music started and I was right, they were all looking at me.

The only one who was looking at Anthony was me and I was so happy to see him.


The music started and everyone turned around to look at my Ian. He looked really nice in his black suit, I was wearing a white suit.

He slowly walked down in rhythm with the music with his dad.

I smiled from ear to ear. I missed him so much and finally he was here. We were reunited.

Ian got to me and he smiled that adorable smile and I returned it.

"Hey" he whispered.

"Hello stranger" I whispered back.

"Ladies and gentlemen you are gathered here today to celebrate the bringing together of Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox" it started off.

The person of justice named Jeremy rambled on about love and sexuality and acceptance.

I was listening but I wasn't at the same time. I was looking at Ian who was trying to pay attention but couldn't help but look back at me.

Here was the vows. Ian went first he seemed so prepared. I wasn't as prepared but I knew what I was going to say.

"Anthony,I promise to encourage your compassion,

Because that is what makes you unique and wonderful.

I promise to nurture your dreams,

Because through them your soul shines.

I promise to help shoulder our challenges,

For there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together.

I promise to be your partner in all things,

Not possessing you, but working with you as a part of the whole.

Lastly, I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust,

For one lifetime with you could never be enough.

This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things.”

Wow that made me so happy the smile wouldn't leave my face.

Until I realized it was my turn.

"Ian, today is the day and I'm so happy we found each other to spend this together. Sometimes I wonder what even made you choose me but you constantly tell me sweet things about why you did.

I love you Ian and I know it's just a three letter phrase but it still means what it means. Times I love you by a thousand or a million and that's how much I do love you.

I can't wait for our future together and our love will go on forever"

The rings came.

"Do you take Anthony Padilla to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" Ian smiled.

"And do you take Ian Hecox to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

 I put the ring on Ian's finger which now fit perfectly since we got it fitted. Ian put my ring which I loved on my finger too and we held hands.

"You can kiss now"

We kissed quite passionately but not too much because there were people watching, I missed kissing him. I couldn't wait to be with him tonight.

Everybody cheered and we both smiled. We were both so happy, I was and I knew Ian was.

"I miss you so much" he said to me.

"I did too! We're now married"

"Is this a dream?" He asked jokingly.

"No but if it is a dream I never want to wake up"

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