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Chapter 15

Hey guys I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I don't know :S


Three months later it was Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas.

Of course we were late with our shopping so we had to do most of it today.

We had most of the shopping done. I think Ian still had to find my Christmas present and I had to get him a certain special surprise and his present too.

"Anthony I don't know what to get my mom she is the last person I need to buy for in my family"

"Hmmmm let's go into this crystal shop and see"


After looking at a bunch of expensive crystal vases, glasses and other little things.

"What about this?" I suggested pointing at a crystal red and green Christmas tree decoration.

"That looks cool and look for an extra $2 we can get it engraved"

"What should we say on it?" I said.

"How about Merry Christmas from Ian and Anthony?"


"Okay you pick the font I have to go get someone special a special Christmas present" I winked and kissed him on his nose.

"I wonder who that person could be" he smiled.

"I won't be long hopefully"

I went to ask about his surprise and the guy was so helpful. It was so expensive but so worth it he will have it forever and ever. I hope if everything goes well.

I also went into a gaming store and collected the new Halo game I pre-ordered for him. He wouldn't shut up about how much he wanted for a good while so I decided to get him it. Let’s hope nobody else gets it for him.

I bought another bag to disguise his present because if he seen the bag he would know straight away it was the new Halo game.

I bought him a couple of new t shirts that were on sale so I bought him about five. He was always complaining that his other t shirts were getting old.

I also set my eyes on a really nice blue button up shirt that I think he would look so gorgeous in.

I paid and then was done and I put them into the bag that had the Halo game in it.

I got back to the crystal shop.

"I'm back" I said with a huge grin on my face.

"What are you so happy about?" He said smiling back.

"Just cause of you"

"Aw stop"

I was happy because of him and also I have all his presents bought.

"Still waiting on it to be engraved?"

"Yup" he replied.

"I was thinking of getting her this vase too. What do you think?" He asked.

"Sure I mean it's beautiful she'll love it. She'll love them both"

"This one is just going to be from me if that's alright...”

"Sure which reminds we need to get my mom a present and I need to get a personal present for her too"

"Why not get her a vase too but in the purple color at the bottom not the red. There is a deal for the two of them too so it's cheaper"

Our Ianthony MomentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora