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Chapter 5


Hey :D so this is a flashback chapter, hope you enjoy. Also if you could share this story or recommend it I would appreciate it. Thank you *hugs*



~5 days before ~

We had just finished shooting the first part of a music video for Smosh. It was now lunchtime. The song is one of Ian’s favorite songs we’ve made so far. It was so amusing to watch him dance to it, he was so cute. He really doesn’t care if he looks like a fool dancing, he is weird and he doesn’t care what people think about him anymore. I love that about him as well as other things.

I have been waiting for him to make a move for nearly 4 months now. He and Melanie broke up so I had some hope for us to get together. Was I going to make the move? No I’m too scared I know it’s just Ian, I can tell him everything  but I find it really hard to express my feelings to people. Anyway I doubt he feels the same way, I mean sometimes he does these things that gives me doubts that maybe he is gay or bi but he could be messing either.

I don’t know I’m really confused.

Maybe I could confront him? Ask him how he feels? But what if he doesn’t feel the same, which would be so embarrassing and would make things completely awkward.

I’m going to leave it. I’m being silly. Sometimes my mind makes me believe that Ianthony as the fans call us could actually happen.


Okay I’ve made up my mind. Today I was going to ask Anthony out for real this time. I’ve been contemplating to do it for weeks now. I just hope he feels the same as I do because I’m doing it and that’s it.

I’m sick of putting it off, it’s lingering in my mind and I need to just do it. I’m determined.

I just need to pick the right moment, which is most likely to be never. Sigh fucking sigh. He won’t go out with someone like me. I’m surprised he is even friends with me.

I’m going to do it. No I’m not. I am. I’m not. I am. Oh my god Ian! Just make up your mind, I told myself.

“Dude…Are you okay?” Anthony asked, sitting down in the chair opposite to me.

We were getting lunch in Subway. Anthony had gone to order his food whilst I already had my food and got us a table. That’s when I started thinking and I was that much that I didn’t even notice Anthony coming to the table with his food.

“Oh yeah sorry I was daydreaming” I lied.

“You seemed pretty out of it, is something bothering you?”

“No dude, I’m good just hungry. I was waiting for your ass to order so I could eat. I was being mannerly and waiting for us to eat together”

“Well sorry, that girl at the counter was taking forever”

“Stop complaining and let’s eat. All that dancing worked up my appetite” I said.

Anthony laughed and then took a bite of his sandwich.

“First bite” he said.

I laughed, “We aren’t even on camera doing lunchtime and you still say it”

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