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Chapter 2

Hey guys, thanks for reading and for some of you voting I really appreciate it. This is my first fanfic so excuse me if it’s bad in any way. This chapter is really long but I hope you enjoy it! :) By the way Kalel and Melanie are mentioned in this, I just want to say I have nothing against them. I follow back always.

Thanks guys.



When I opened my eyes, I saw him. Our faces were just an inch away from each other. He was fast asleep. He looked like an angel, so peaceful.

I looked at him for a while, it made me happy. Then I got up because I knew there was no point of me trying to go back to sleep. Once I open my eyes I’m awake and I can’t fall back to sleep no matter how hard I try.

I went to the bathroom and then made my way to the kitchen. I checked the clock on the wall, it read 9:05 am. So damn early I thought. I’m used to it though, I’m a light sleeper and always wake up earlier than Anthony.

I knew Anthony wouldn’t wake up until near 11 or maybe even 12.

I decided to go to the store and be the good boyfriend I am and make breakfast for us. I went back into my bedroom to get my clothes, trying not to make too much noise. He was still fast asleep, snoring now. I quickly grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a grey and navy striped t-shirt, fresh underwear and socks. I also grabbed my black pair of sunglasses from my bedside table. I got dressed and put on my converse and was ready to go.

As I drove ‘The Only Exception’ by Paramore was playing on the radio. I couldn’t help but sing along and smile to myself because the song reminded me of Anthony. God I love him. Just thinking of me and him finally being together brought out my inner fan boy. You’d think he would have gotten the hint before after me requesting to search Ianthony all the time in videos but he really didn’t realize, maybe he was just too in love with Kalel to understand and notice my feelings.

Back then I was with Melanie too but I had to tell her the truth. She didn’t break up with me and I didn’t break up with her, we both agreed that it was over. She understood and seemed to take it much better than I thought. She was hurt though. We broke up after Kalel and Anthony broke up, once they were over I realized this could be my only chance to finally be with Anthony.

Don’t get me wrong I loved Melanie but more as a sister or a friend. I doubt we will still be friends since we haven’t talked since the breakup.

Me and Anthony have this amazing connection, we just get each other completely. I dunno it’s hard to explain. Unlike Melanie, she didn’t get me, she thought she did and that pissed me off. I couldn’t be myself around her and it made sad and frustrated.

I don’t think I should even start on Kalel. She broke up with Anthony because of Smosh. She said he spends too much time working and with me than her. She was jealous of me but at the same time I was jealous of her as Anthony was hers not mine at the time. We clearly got on great. Note the sarcasm. She hurt Anthony and I will never forgive someone who does that.

Anyway enough about the past, I only want to concentrate on the future which is now Anthony. The best thing that ever happened to me was meeting Anthony, that and Smosh. I love what I do for a living and who I do it with. Without Smosh god only knows where we would be and all our fans are great and so supportive.

I parked the car and got the groceries.

When I got back to the house, I looked in the window to see if Anthony was up, maybe he was playing the Xbox. Nope he was still asleep. I sighed. Truth is I missed him, that’s really pathetic I thought to myself.

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