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Chapter 14

Hey sorry if this chapter sucks :/


It took three days after we told the fans for Anthony's mom to find out. I warned him! There was no way she wouldn't find out since the news is all anybody in the Smosh fandom is talking about right now.

We made a lot of Ianthony shippers happy but the biggest Ianthony shipper is me so you can guess how I feel for even being with Anthony.

Anyway back to Anthony's mom.

She must have seen it on the Internet of course and she was straight on the phone to Anthony. She tried calling but Anthony didn't pick up because he was a little busy with me...we totally weren't making out or anything...Then afterwards left him a lot of messages.

He checked his phone later and called me when he saw (I was brushing my teeth at the time) I came out of the bathroom when I heard him call my name with the toothbrush hanging out of me mouth.

"...y-eah" I said with toothpaste in my mouth.

"I'm in deep shit"

"Why?" I tried my best to say.

"Spit that out then we'll talk"

I did as I was told.

"Now what's so urgent" I said hovering over Anthony who was sitting down.

"My mom knows"

"What? How? She seen it didn't she? I knew it! I told you but you wouldn't believe me-"

"Shut up and look at this" he said gesturing at his phone.

"First she rang me three times but I obviously didn't even know she was calling. Then a message: Anthony Padilla you have some explaining to do.

After that: I've saw some it true?

Then: we need to talk about this in person. If it’s true I cannot believe I'm the last to know!"

"Oh..." I was speechless.

"Ian what am I going to do?" He said looking up at me.

"I suppose you are just going to have to tell her and that's it. She already knows and lying will just make it worse"

"I can tell she is pissed. I've really fucked it up. I mean this is the worst she could want right now after my dad"

"Does she support gay people?"

"I don't really know but there was this one time...I was telling her about the Gay pride festival that was going on in Sacramento and she just kinda stayed quiet and rolled her eyes...” He said and bit his lip.

Oh god I love when he does that. I was so turned on which was the worst to be right now in the middle of this conversation.

"Ian?" he said and snapped me out of daydream.

"Yeah sorry I was just figuring out what is going to happen"

"Well I mean she wants to see me so I guess I'll have to go to the house"

"We'll have to go" I corrected.

"What?" he asked confusedly.

"I said that I would be there for you through everything and this is one of those times. I'll be always be your side"

"Okay" he said and smiled that gorgeous smile.

"Listen this is either going to go two ways. She will either except you or won't be cool with it at all. You know what I'm hoping her reaction will be because it’s the best option but not only that I'll be in the house with you. She could hate me for making you fall in love with me"

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