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Chapter 19

Hey guys! This has Anthony's and Ian's point of view just like the wedding will too.

I've been thinking of starting to write a Marhinki fanfic so please comment below on what you think and if you would read it.

Thank you so much :)


Everything was organized. Now I could just have a good time and enjoy my last night as an unmarried man.

Yes the wedding was tomorrow so I planned on not getting drunk.

How I make myself laugh, I am such a lightweight that would never work I told myself. And it was true because I did get drunk but not the drunkest I've ever been before.

After seven long months of planning, stressing and debating all the wedding plans and honeymoon are final and done. I'm so relieved that every last detail is done. It was so stressful.

 We are having a summer wedding because we didn't want to wait any longer and the weather would be nice. People think we are moving too fast but what they don't understand is that we've been friends for so long and then we live together and all. We have so much history it's kind of stupid not getting married right now. That and I wanted Ian to be my husband badly.

For our honeymoon we booked to go to Hawaii for five days.

The people who we want as guests have all got their invitations and nearly all of them can go which is great. Even some other youtubers can come and they are coming tonight so I've been told.

You can be sure some will vlog the wedding.

So the whole smosh crew was all having a party because it was the last night Ian and I were "free" as people call it. The gang had to be split since me and Ian are friends with all the same people.

When we were planning the wedding Ian and I both agreed not to have it in the church so we got a deal with this wedding company that specialized in weddings beside the beach and they have one they use that is quite close to us. They even have a place where the actual ceremony takes place which is in a hotel garden that has a stairs that goes down to the beach. 

Authors Note: Photo of what the wedding is going to look like at the side. I hope it works, comment if you see it so I know since it’s my first time putting a photo onto this.

They guaranteed it would look beautiful and I truly believed it would.

We wanted sky lanterns and fireworks which the hotel is also providing.

We booked a band to play and the wedding that I thought were really good. Ian didn't really care about the music side of it.

The hotel was decorating the dining room especially for us and they called me earlier telling me everything was ready to go.

The bar was going to be free for all the guests let’s hope they don't get too drunk and most were staying at the hotel on the night.

Everything is going according to plan.

I got into a pair of black skinny jeans, my red Smosh shirt and high top red converse and picked out a grey jacket just in case I needed it later.

The house was so quiet without Ian. He was staying at Josh's and Wes' for the week so our wedding and wedding night will be more special. That and my suit is hanging on the door so he can't see it. Ian has his suit in Joven's too.

I missed Ian and can't wait to just see him tomorrow let alone be married to him.

My phone started ringing and it was the wedding company who was making our cake.

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