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Chapter 16

Updating now because I’ll be away.

And also thank you so much for all the views. 2000 views!

I dedicate to this chapter to whoever is reading, all of you.


I was so excited to see Anthony open his presents and for me to open my presents too.

I couldn't wait to spend Christmas with the ones I loved and I couldn't wait for Christmas dinner.

Anthony and I lay in bed for a while.

"Sohinki just tweeted us, oh so did Mari and Jovie and Lasercorn" I said checking my phone.

"They must have opened the presents we got them" he muttered in a sleepy voice.

"@Sohinki: Thanks @smoshIan and @smoshanthony for the awesome gift! He said and added the picture of cards against humanity pack we bought him"

"That's nice of him...can I go back to sleep now?"

"Nope. Joven said Merry Christmas and thanks by the way for the box of wax strips...#bringsbackmemories" I said and we both burst out laughing.

"Haha oh my god he must have gotten a shock when he opened that present" he said.

Joven was referring to the time we waxed his chest hair. We got him the wax strips as a joke.

"Mari said: Happy Christmas you guys did you like the present I got you's? Also thanks for the sweet anime comics that I wanted"

"I'm glad she liked them" Anthony said and yawned.

"Last one and then it's time to get up Anthony"

"Fineee" he moaned.

"Lasercorn said sweet gift guys thanks so much"

"Alright now I have to get up"

"Yes finally we get to open presents!" I fangirled.

"Can we at least get dressed and have breakfast first?"

"We can get dressed but then we're opening the presents"

I got dressed in a white t shirt under a navy and black striped sweater and plain blue jeans.

Anthony got dressed up all fancy in his red checked top which I loved on him and black skinny jeans.

"Wow you look good" I said in awe.

"You too. I love when you wear sweaters you look so cuddly and warm" he said and came over to kiss me.

I stopped the kiss and said "No time to mess around, time to open presents"

"Okay okay your majesty"

We sat around the tree on the floor.

"You open this one first" he told me and gave him the present with the five t shirts in it.

"Ooo its squishy must be clothes. Since you're always complaining about your old ones. Love, from Anthony"

I opened them and loved them all.

"Where'd you get these?" I asked.

"They were on sale in one of those shops. I can't remember the name"

"I really like the Zelda one and the Pokémon one"

"Yeah I thought you'd like them" he grinned.

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