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Chapter 9

Hello! This chapter is quite dramatic. I want to thank you for all the comments and votes. Also a huge thanks to all my followers and for nearly 1000 reads. It means so much that you guys like what I write and I love reading the comments and seeing the votes. It keeps me going :)


I woke up and my head was thumping. I was in so much pain. I could hardly open my eyes. I tried and opened them slightly. Everything was quite blurry.

"Ian he is awake" called Peter.

I heard footsteps.

"I'm so glad he is okay" Ian said.

I saw Peter glaring over me and then Ian.

"Are you alright Anthony?" Peter asked.

I manage to barely say yes. He had my phone in his hand or was it his? Maybe we had the same type of phone even the same color.

What happened? I can hardly remember anything.

"You go back to sleep Anthony and we will see you when you feel better. It looks like you're in pain. Sleep it off. We were going to call a doctor or the hospital but you seem to be alive and okay" Ian said.

I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.

When I woke up again I felt something wet falling on my arm.

It was Ian he was crying. I could hear him. I didn't know whether to pretend to keep sleeping or open my eyes.

I decided I was going to open my eyes and ask him what was wrong.

I could fully open my eyes which was great and noticed I was in my bed.

I pushed myself up, everything hurt. Ian was the only one in the room. He sat on the edge of my bed.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing" he replied.

"Well it doesn't look like nothing. Why are you crying?"

"It's you. It's us"

"What do you mean?"

My heart was beating heavily in my chest.

"I don't know if we are good together"

"What made you think this? The other day you said that we were great together, even your mother thought so. Did I do something? Do you not love me anymore?"

"I do I mean it’s just I don't think you are the person I thought you were. Last night you said some things... And you were being a complete dick if I'm being honest. I was very upset"

Oh no.

"But I was drunk can't remember anything that happened last night so I couldn't control my actions or words. I cannot believe you actually are thinking it's best for us to break up. It's me Anthony, your best friend! I'm the person you thought I was. I am, please believe me" I begged with tears streaming down my face.

I don't think I convinced him. He just stared into my eyes. I think he could tell that I was in pain. Physical and emotional pain.

It is all a dream I thought.

I slapped myself in the face to see if it was real or not.

It was real. I'm not dreaming I told myself. This made me feel so sad and confused.

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