Our Ianthony Wedding (Part 2)

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Chapter 21


Celebration time! Ian and I are finally married. The photographer we hired for the wedding told us to go down the steps to the beach so we could get our photos done.

We smiled for the flashing camera just us two at first then the bridesmaids and groomsmen joined in. Then we left and they got photos together.

Everybody was socializing at the venue. So many people were here from both our families even Melissa, Ricardo and the kids made it from Italy.

Ian dragged me out into the hall where there was nobody there. I just went along with it.

"We couldn't even kiss normally with everybody watching. Kiss me properly now" he demanded.

I didn't even hesitate. I gently pressed my lips against his and it felt like when you finally get that thing you were craving or that thing you had withdrawal symptoms from.

I felt him smile as we kissed at it was so cute.

I wanted to say that I missed this but that would mean breaking the kiss and I definitely didn't want to do that now.

We were all over each other and Ian was pressing me against the wall I the middle of the hallway! It didn't feel like we were there though it felt like it was just us two not in a hallway but somewhere different. Somewhere were nobody existed except us.

"Ahem" we heard someone clear there voice.

I opened my eyes startled to see a person from hotel staff just staring.

"Oh...sorry…eh excuse us" what else could I say?

Actually it was better not to say anything at all.

He sort of just gave us a look and went on down the hall.

We burst out laughing.

"Whoops" Ian said.

"To be continued tonight?" I asked.

"To be continued tonight" he winked.

I felt butterflies in my stomach when he did that.

"Come on before people get suspicious"

We walked back in and everybody cheered, there was a toast and more photos being taken of our family together and us and what not.

Everyone took their seats that were arranged we carefully chose each seating arrangement.

The food came out shortly after we had sat down. The guests could pick what they wanted on a menu, usually at most weddings they have a set plan that people have to stick to which Ian and I both thought was stupid.

After everyone was finished eating it was time for the speeches.

The first one to make a speech was Ian's mom.

"“Good afternoon everyone! My name is Cheryl and I’m the mother of Ian. Although I think you all know who I am. All friends and family are here and I don't think there is anything better than celebrating this marriage with all you lovely people.I am very proud to be celebrating my son’s wedding with so many people present here and I wish to thank you for everything.

I'm so proud of my two children, Melissa and Ian. I have finally reached the day where they are married to a lovely men who will take care of them and that love and will love them with all their hearts.

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