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Chapter 23

Last chapter guys! I planned to do more but school is coming up and I have to work on Envy my other story too.

I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone that has read this story and voted and commented to! It means so much and I'm glad you enjoyed my work and I have so much more ideas for fanfics and one shots. If you ever want to know when I make a new fanfic or one shot I could message you just message me if you want to know.


Thank you for all the reads, I never thought it would get this much views and I guess this is the end.



Waking up I rolled over to wrap around my husband who was already awake since I grabbed onto nothing.

Ian was in the bathroom and I dozed back to sleep.

A knock at the door woke me up minutes later. I quickly put on a Ian’s t-shirt and some shorts that were laying on the floor. I didn't care about how i looked just as long as I wasn't naked when opening the door. I went to open it and it was a member of staff.

"Hello room service this is your breakfast"

"Okay um thanks just put it down wherever" I replied.

"Ian?" I shouted.

I opened the bathroom door to find nobody in there.

The balcony I thought. I pulled back the curtains to see Ian sitting waiting with a table set for breakfast. A flower was even in the middle of the table, it was quite romantic.

He smiled as soon as he saw me.

"You really didn't have to do this"

"I didn't have to I wanted to there is a difference" he replied.

"Yeah well whatever"

"Did the room service I ordered for us come yet?"

"Yeah. Thanks it is real sweet Ian"

"Get used to little surprises every now and then"

I smiled and said "Let’s eat"

We finished our breakfast and I kissed Ian for it which led to a repeat of last night all over again.

When we were done, we got ready to go to the beach. The beach was close enough to our hotel so it only took a few minutes to walk there.

We got to the beach and spread out our towels so we could sit and relax in the sun.

There was a bar so we decided to get drinks and after a few cocktails and drinks we went swimming.

We were both fairly tipsy and we raced to the sea. I ran way faster than Ian. I could see the sea right in front of my eyes getting closer and closer until suddenly I collapsed on the floor and seen the sand. I fell over from the drink which made Ian laugh so much.

He came over and gave me his hand. I was steady on his feet and then pushed him over.

"Ha ha" I said.

"You dick"

He got up and ran straight for me who had reach the sea by this stage.

He rugby tackled him to the ground and pinned me down.

"Wow dude that fucking hurt!" I moaned and rubbed his shoulder.

My whole body hurt and I knew it would be covered in bruises by dinner time thanks to that tackle.

He looked straight into his eyes and said "Boo hoo poor wittle Anthony"

"Now who's being the dick?"

"I'm genuinely sorry, come here let me kiss you better"

"But there's people everywhere here"

"And? I don't care"

He kissed my lips and then my neck and shoulder whilst the water gently rolled in and out hitting us.


"Kinda" I replied.

"Good now let’s swim"

We had swimming races, saw who could do the better handstand, had a splash fight, tried to sing underwater and see what the other person was trying to say under the water and a whole other crazy stupid stuff.

I liked the way we could be stupid together, we could act like crazy teenagers again. I feel like Ian gives me youth and I wondered if that would last when we got older.

I couldn't wait to have kids with him, have a life and a future together. To grow old and wrinkly but still love each other no matter what. To feel protected and safe and to feel secure. To know that he will never leave ever because I'm sick of people leaving.

I knew from the beginning he would never leave even when we were just friends and he never ever left. He stuck around through thick and thin.


We got out of the sea to get more drinks and we were just exhausted from all the energy we just burned in our bodies.

Panting we got out and walked back to our place that we picked out where our towels were.

With the heat the water that stuck to my skin dried within minutes and we were both dry when we hit our towels with our drinks in hand.

It's been a long journey but worth it all the way. Yes we had fights and it was like an emotional roller coaster at times but they were our times, our moments.

Lots of things have happened since the day we started going out, Anthony's dads death which was heartbreaking but only time can heal pain right? Even though sometimes he gets emotional I'm always there.

Us being gay changed a whole lot of people's lives, our parents, family, friends, fans and other youtubers.

We found out Peter was cheating on Mari and we were including in all that drama too.

We had a lovely Christmas together and spent time with our family.

Anthony proposed and then the wedding.

Now we are here. A lot has happened but in the best way possible. I wouldn't change it for the world.

"Anthony from when we started going out would you change anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"Would you change anything?, like the stuff that happened"

"No I really wouldn't. Yes my dad dying was heartbreaking and everything else that happened along with it but I think that's what made this relationship stronger. That's why I think we are here today because we've gotten through all the shit and bad news and drama. We stuck through it. I wouldn't change anything. I have you and that's all that matters. The world seems like a better place with you around"

I will always remember these words.

We sat their staring as the sun went down just like the day where it all started. When I confessed my feelings and started this whole thing.

The sky was all different shades of pink and it was so beautiful. It was paradise.

We only had begun our holiday here in Hawaii. It was the second day but I was going to miss this paradise when we go back home.

Luckily I had my whole life with Anthony which was way better than any paradise I could wish for.

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