Chapter 4: Anger

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C h a p t e r 4 : A n g e r

Miraculously, everyone was able to fall asleep with little to no trouble. It really showed how much everyone cared about Dry Bones...

Everyone woke up happily, completely forgetting the events that happened before. Almost as if it had never happened. Of course, this peace could only last for so long. With everyone successfully calmed down from last night, no one had bothered to...

"OH MY GOSH!!" Toadette screamed as she stepped on Dry Bone's corpse, the hammer now gone. Toadette jumped back, Toad confused.

"What's wrong..?" Toad asked sleepily. Toad liked sleeping in- Toadette didn't.

"D-d-dry Bones is still d-dead- I thought it was a d-d-dream-" Toadette sobbed. She buried her face in Toad's chest, shutting her eyes.

A door swung open from upstairs, angry footprints coming down the floor.

"Who's screaming!?" Bowser yelled, ironically doing the exact same thing he was yelling at Toadette for. "Some of us like to sleep, you know!"

A collective "shh!" came from upstairs, causing Bowser to guiltily creep back upstairs. Toadette and Toad followed him, but went into their room instead of Bowser's. Wario and Waluigi were still passed out, not even affected by the loudness occurring while everyone else awoke.

"Geez... I was having a really good dream, too." Daisy grumbled.

"Then just.. Go back to sleep.." Rosalina murmured, half asleep still.

"'s kind of late for that, don't you think..?" Peach yawned. "It's probably time to get up, anyway.."

"Ugh... No." Daisy burrowed into her sleeping bag. "It's so early."

"....G..go back to bed.." Rosalina muttered as she fell back asleep.

But Peach crawled out of bed, yawning loudly.

"A princess shouldn't sleep this late.." Peach yawned again. No one answered- they were both asleep. "I guess I should get up.."


"...I can't take it anymore." Toad whispered to Toadette. Toadette lay on her side in the bed, watching Toad.

"What's wrong?" Toadette asked quietly, being careful not to wake Yoshi and Birdo - who were sleeping on the floor. Koopa had left the room to use the bathroom.

"...Dry Bones was murdered yesterday... And we're all okay with it. Doesn't that make us as horrible as the murderer..?" Toad sighed.

"...we do care." Toadette answered. "You know I did.. You saw me freaking out. But if I panic any more... I'll be really freaked out.. And I don't want to be freaked out anymore. I need to act strong for the people who can't.."

"...I guess you're a lot stronger than I am, then." Toad shut his eyes. "...hey.. You know what..? I think... I think I know who the killer is.."

"How would you know who the killer is?" Toadette's voice raised a little higher, but she lowered it.

"...I know yesterday we all said that we didn't think it was someone in this house... But I think I know who it is." Toad whispered.

"Well, then tell me!" Toadette leaned forward in anticipation.


Toad was interrupted by a sudden scream. Birdo jolted awake.

"Wh-what happened?"


"I-i don't know what happened! I went downstairs to grab something to eat- and then-" Dixie sobbed. "I-i just saw him. I thought- I thought he was just hiding - b-but-"

"Dixie- please calm down!" Peach stumbled down the stairs. A crowd was already surrounding the sight. "What's happened-"

Laying on the ground, in a pile of his own blood, lay Kamek. A sword was pierced into his heart, and his wand lay at the side.

"Oh my-" Peach's stomach churned, but she stopped herself from throwing up. She was the face of the kingdom, after all. "W-w-what happened!?"

"I-i-i-i-i-i-i don't k-know!" Dixie cried. "What could've h-happened-"

"There's one thing for sure." Pauline walked down the stairs, her viciously cold eyes glaring down Dixie. "Whoever is committing these murders is going after villains."

"Oh, joy. I guess that means I'm next. Oh wait- I can't die." King Boo said sarcastically.

"Who could commit such a deed.." Luigi trembled.

"Oh, I don't know. How about half the party? After all, Toadsworth has invited many villains." Yoshi pointed out.

"...Toadsworth.." Rosalina started. "Wait.. Toadsworth... He isn't even here...?"

"We said this yesterday, Rosie." Peach said upset.

"No.. I know. But... Why wouldn't he come to a party he made? It doesn't make sense... It's as if he orchestrated this whole thing.." Rosalina pointed out. "Maybe Toadsworth knew.."

"But Toadsworth wouldn't trap us in here with a killer. He absolutely wouldn't!" Peach defended. "He's- he's practically my father.."

"You all give the old man too much credit." Wario yawned. "I doubt he could pull off something so devious."

"Besides, wouldn't he be the killer in that case?" Waluigi pointed out.

"That has no logic behind it!" Birdo shook her head.

"Are we all just going to ignore the fact that Kamek, my head magician, is dead?" Bowser snapped. "He's dead! If what Pauline said is right, I could be next!"

Everyone began arguing over each other, their voices drowning each other out. Meanwhile, a very angry person stomped down the stairs.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP SO I CAN GO BACK TO SLEEP!" Daisy thundered. The room fell quiet as the orange princess retreated back to her room.

"...Could she be.. The killer?" Mona questioned.

"Over something as stupid as that?" Bowser Jr. asked.

"Killers aren't always sane.." Donkey Kong's voice trailed off.

"This is too much." Peach exclaimed. "I'm terrified..."

"Don't worry, Peach." Pauline said matter of fact-ly. "If you die to anyone, it will be my me- not some random psycho."

Hello everyone! Thank you all for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed. Hope this chapter gave you some new leads.. Comment below your suspicions!

Also, every time a chapter is one of my favorite numbers, I'll give a hint as to who the mafia(s) is/are.

Since this is chapter 4, here's your hint!

The killer(s) have/has a reason behind every kill.

Thanks for reading!

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