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Alive: Waluigi, Rosalina, Koopa, Boo

After about two hours of hard thinking, the group of four met up again. They had separated into four different rooms to ponder the facts and everyone now had had time to think.

It was now time to choose who they wanted to kill. If they killed the wrong person, they would be screwed and the mafia would kill them, so it was important they made the right decision...

"So who do we think... It is..?" Rosalina questioned quietly.

"I don't wanna make the wrong decision.." Waluigi looked the ground.

"We have no choice but to make a decision," Koopa told him. "So, who do we all think it is?"

"...I think it's Boo," Koopa said. "He's been so fishy."

"I agree," Waluigi declared. "Let's do it."

"Are you sure..?" Rosalina asked tentatively. "What if we're wrong..?"

"That's our decision.. I don't know who else it would be," Koopa shrugged. "I hope we're right.."

"Maybe we should... Think this over a little more..." Rosalina stated. "I don't think that he's.. The mafia.."

"It has to be him, though," Koopa said. "All the evidence points to it being Boo. He ghosts through the walls, scares us all- sings depressing songs! It's him."

"You guys are going to be making a huge mistake by picking me.." Boo defended. "We're all going to die if you pick me. I'm not the mafia. Come on guys, most of the time I was the moderator!"

"Yeah... Guys I really don't.."

"It has to be majority..." Waluigi sighed. "Rosalina, please.. It's obvious it's him..."

"I don't know about this... But okay... I trust you guys."

"Rosalina. We're going to die if you kill me," Boo pleaded. "It's not me. Pick the right side."

Rosalina bit her lip nervously.

"I don't know... Who to believe.."

"You're already with us, don't worry," Waluigi said. "We've got this... We'll kill the murderer."

"Alright... I'm trusting you guys." Rosalina allowed. "Let's hope this... Is the right choice..."

"I really hope we picked the right person," Koopa muttered.

"There's only one way to find out..." Waluigi said grimly. "I hope we found the mafia..."

"Boo, are you the murderer?"

"No, I'm not the murderer," Boo sneered. "Are you crazy? If I was the murderer, I would've told everyone a long time ago since none of you have any weapons here that can kill me."

"How can we be so sure you're still not trying to deceive us?" Waluigi asked suspiciously. "I wouldn't be surprised- after all, you said it yourself- we can't kill you."

"That wouldn't make any sense at all!" Boo rolled his eyes. "I already told you guys, I'm not the mafia."

"No, it's you. You can stop lying. It's definitely you and we all picked on you- there's no escaping! We found the murderer so you can stop pretending to be in a alliance with us," Koopa said confidently. "You made it so obvious, too..."

"What are you talking about?" King Boo shook his head. "Stop falsely accusing me."

"I mean, I still think he's the murderer, but what evidence..?" Waluigi asked.

"I too am... Curious.." Rosalina added.

"Well, think about it. He always sings depressing songs that sometimes talks about how everyone should die. You scare us all the time. You're invincible and you haven't been trying to help us find the murderer at all. We know it's you!"

" that the majority vote?" Boo questioned.

"...yes.." Rosalina agreed.

"I guess so..." Waluigi nodded.

"Yeah. Stop trying to escape death. Reveal yourself to us, you murderer!" Koopa shouted.

"Fine, fine fine..." Boo sighed. "I honestly can't believe how quick you guys were to jump on Koopa's statement... But whatever. You want the truth? You want to know?"

"Of course. Stop pretending already!" Koopa yelled.

"...promise you'll tell the truth.. This time?" Rosalina questioned.

"I have been, but sure," Boo shrugged. "I promise."

"So tell us already..." Waluigi said impatiently. "And don't say anymore lies.."

"Yeah, I heard you the first time," Boo sneered. "I am..."

"Not the mafia- and I promise. So congratulations, you screwed us all over. Good job, team!" He clapped sarcastically.

"Thanks for this opportunity," the true murderer laughed. "But now.. It's time for you all to die!"

In an instant, all but Boo and the murderer were slain quickly.

"I deserve to die," Boo stated plainly. "So kill me already."


The murderer left the bloodied room with three bodies on the floor.

Game over... I win.

Uh oh- Boo's not the murderer! Unfortunately, everyone was killed due to that and the mafia escaped...

So you were unsuccessful that time- but there's still three choices! Can you make the right one this time? Remember there may be more than one.

Who could the murderer(s) be..?




Thanks for reading! Good luck.

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