Chapter 14: Even in Death

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C h a p t e r 1 4 : E v e n I n D e a t h

"...I can't believe this..." Luigi muttered to himself quietly. "Why is this happening..? Bro, I can't believe... I can't believe you're gone..."

Even the words made him cringe a bit. His brother- gone. Maybe the mafia thought they were doing him a favor- forcing him to step up to the challenge. But Luigi wasn't up for that.


There was a slight knock on the door.

"Come in," Luigi called.

The platinum blonde princess walked in carefully. She sat next to him on the bed.

"Hey... Are you okay... Luigi?" Rosalina asked softly. "I know... It's been pretty rough for you lately..."

"...yeah... But I'll be okay," Luigi forced himself to smile.

"...Luigi.. Don't lie," Rosalina told him. "It's okay... You don't have to pretend."

"But.." Luigi sighed. "I don't know anymore. I always feel like I have to put on a fake face. I have to act like I'm strong just because Mario was. Now what do I do..?"

"Well you know... Mario also fell apart too.." Rosalina pointed out. "When Peach d...died... He was a wreck. So it's understandable.."

"Yeah, but that was a one time thing," Luigi countered. "Mine is always... How am I supposed to stop that? I don't know... Maybe I will eventually, but... I just don't know anymore."

"...Luigi... Please don't doubt yourself like that.." Rosalina placed her hand on his. "We believe in you... Don't put yourself down like Daisy does... You can do it."

He looked up at her, surprised, and smiled.

"Yeah... You know what? You're right... Thank you."



"We will, we will, all die. We will, we will, all die."

"Again?" Pauline sighed. "You can't think of a more original song?"

"Well, you try," King Boo countered. "It's much harder than you would think."

"I don't really wanna make a fool of myself," Pauline told him. "Not in the mood for that."

"You'll feel better, trust me," Boo advised. "I often find expressing myself through song helps to get out the anger. Or, I guess more accurately, it just shows how much of a terrible person I am."

"I don't wanna look stupid," Pauline sneered, but she was slightly curious to see if his words were true.

"Hey, it's up to you. I'm just telling you that it helps a lot," Boo shrugged. "Takes out a lot of stress."

Pauline suspiciously looked around.

"Fine... But tell no one," Pauline threatened.


"Alright then, let's see. Umm... Is it too late now to say I'm dying? Cause I'm... Uh... Dying over here come save me.."

"That didn't make any sense," Boo laughed. "The first line was okay but the second one was trash."

"I tried my best, okay?" Pauline huffed, but smiled slightly. "Alright, fine. It is a little bit fun."

"Well, do some more."

"...okay, okay. Hmm.. Death comes and goes in waves... It always does... We watch as our friends fall... Into eternal darkness.. Into the dark..."

"That sounds so deep," Boo stared at her. "Are you depressed?"

"Maybe," Pauline shrugged. "I wouldn't be too surprised."

"Wouldn't you know, though?"

"I dunno, I've never had depression before... Have you?"

"...yeah," Boo admitted. "But only because Luigi escaped and saved Mario. That was pretty depressing."

"...of course."


"Dixie... I'm sorry," Diddy breathed. "I've been a terrible husband to you..."

"Well.. We're not technically married, so... It's okay," Dixie smiled. "Besides... We're stuck here, so... I haven't exactly been the best wife to you, either."

The two were lying in bed, contemplating life.

"Y'know... I love you," Diddy said after a moment of silence. "Please don't ever forget that."

"How could I?" Dixie said softly. "Don't forget how amazing you are... Okay?"

"Hmm... That's up for debate, but alright."

"Hehe..." Dixie grinned. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"Wario! Wario! Waaaaaaaario!" Mona shouted, trying to gain his attention.


"Well, I was just wondering!" Mona said. "I had a really good plan and i think-"

"Mona... I don't think we should do this anymore," Wario said. "I thought we said that already?"

"But listen!" Mona pleaded. "It's not a prank this time! Maybe we can set my camera up to catch the murderer!"

"Uh... There's no way the murderer is stupid enough to fall for that..." Waluigi said.

"What if we hide it?" Mona suggested. "In like, the vents or something?"

"shh!" Waluigi told her. "We don't know if they're listening in to our plan right now."

"Oh, right," Wario said. "So again I'm not sure if this is a good idea-"

"Come on... I promise that if this doesn't work I won't try anymore," Mona said. "But I think this is how we can do it!"

"Fine, fine.."


Diddy was sleeping peacefully. Now was the perfect time to strike. The murderer grabbed a knife and quickly slit his throat, not having enough time for anything else. Diddy's eyes snapped open and he began choking on his own blood- gargling.


The murderer left quickly.

Wonderful, one of the murderer's thought. It's all going according to plan....

Whoot whoot, two chapters today. There might not be a chapter tomorrow, but there's two today, so... Yay?

Who do you think is the mafia? The cop? The nurse? Did I kill them already? What did those letters mean? Clue or a red herring?

Hope you all enjoyed today's chapters!

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