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Hey everyone! Been awhile since this book has been updated... I've been trying to update Infiltrated (the sequel) but I have no idea what to write next, so....


Anyway, this is just some random highlights on what I thought of this book. Kinda like a look inside my mind, in a way.

1. Best line(s) in the book:

"Welcome back to your next episode of 'Who's going to Die Next.' Most recently, Pauline was found deceased in the kitchen, killed by her throat being slit. The unfortunate person who found her is still traumatized. The number of people dead now outweigh the number of people alive... It seems the murderer is going to come out on top. Who knows- maybe the tides will turn! Will the murderer kill them all? Find out next time on 'Who's going to Die Next!'"

2. Character I'm most proud of writing:

Probably Rosalina, because.... reasons. I don't know, she's my favorite character for real which probably affects my judgement. Actually, Boo is my favorite character to write, because he's a sarcastic snarky lil guy and it's great to write him.

3. Alternate ending:

So a lot of you guys got mad at me for the alternate ending... I originally wasn't going to put that in there and seeing all of the negative feedback from it almost made me take it down, but I just liked the idea of having a stabby stabby Rosalina so I kept it in there. But yeah, that was not a great way to end the book apparently since all of you guys hated it. I just thought that unlike what many of you thought, she could've done it, and while many of you told me like "well she'd never do that" keep in mind this is a mystery book. Yeah, she'd probably never do that with her real characteristics, but if everyone had their real characteristics, wouldn't the only murderer be Bowser? So sorry for you all who didn't like that, but to me, I think it's stupid if you base it off of 'real' characteristics. Especially from a Mario game, where... let's be honest, characteristics isn't a big part. It's more about the gameplay.

4. Two murderers:

There was actually only supposed to be the one murderer, Waluigi, but... I liked the idea of having two.

5. Clues/Red herrings:

These made me chuckle to see the combination of words you guys came up with. The SNTM was probably the easier ones, but the TDDUP (till death do us part) was my favorite to see your combinations :) also, so many of you guys thought actual clues were red herrings XD my bad!

That's all I got, hopefully I find some inspiration for the next chapter on infiltrated! But who knows, maybe I will, maybe I won't.

That's all I got, hopefully I find some inspiration for the next chapter on infiltrated! But who knows, maybe I will, maybe I won't

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