Chapter 6: Grief

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C h a p t e r 6 : G r i e f

"It's not time to get up yet, is it?" Peach yawned.

"Nah.. Besides, I wouldn't get up anyway," Daisy murmured. "Too much work."

"Says the one talking," Rosalina murmured. "I'm too scared to get up."

"Too.. scared?" Koopa questioned half asleep.

"Mm-hmm... I don't want to see who died..." Rosalina explained quietly.

"Wait... Why are we assuming someone died?" Peach questioned, wide awake. "How would we know?"

"I don't know that," Rosalina said quickly. "But I'm just saying... People have been dying. We can't revive them...because there's no one up mushrooms with us. I just- I just don't see who's the victim."

"That's true," Daisy pointed out. "I don't want anyone to get hurt anymore. But I just don't understand why you would assume that. Maybe everyone survived. Maybe the murderer left."

"But...I thought we already reached a consensus that the murderer... was within our numbers," Rosalina pointed out. "So the murders would...probably still continue, right?"

"Yeah, I think Rosalina is right," Koopa added. He was surprised when everyone waited expectantly for his answer and didn't just ignore him. "The murders definitely would continue... But why didn't they kill anyone yesterday?"

"Maybe because they grew sick of us?" Peach mumbled hopefully.

"I don't think so, Peach," Daisy patted the back of her friend. "I think someone's about to go."

"I don't wanna think about that," Koopa muttered. "I want to go home."

"We all do... But we must own up to our actions...because of who we are," Rosalina told them. "We must act leaderly and-"



The three princesses and Koopa rushed to the sound of distress. Toadette was sobbing on the floor, blood streaming out from a wound on her stomach. Yoshi and Toad hovered over Toadette, frantically trying to stop the bleeding while Birdo cried and tried to comfort her friend.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Peach asked. "What-"

"I don't know-" Birdo sobbed. "I woke up to her scream, and- and-"

"This-this can't be happening-" Toad shook his head. "It's just a dream, just a dream.."

"T...toad.. I- I love.. You.." Toadette breathed her final breath.

"I love you too... Toadette? Toadette!?"

"No-" Birdo covered her mouth to stop herself from sobbing. "No, no, no-"

"Toadette," Yoshi was in so much shock. "How-"

"Oh my gosh..." Daisy just stared. "How.."

"No way..." Rosalina shook her head. "Why... Would anyone want to kill her..?"

"This isn't fair," Yoshi said. "Why- I just want to go home... This is terrifying. I'm- I'm so terrified."

"Me too," Koopa agreed. "I... I can't take it anymore.."

"I-" Birdo ran out of the room, unable to contain her tears and anger. "Toadette.."

Toad just stared at his girlfriend's body, his hand clutching hers.

"Toad-" Rosalina started. "I'm so sorry-"

"Why do you have to be sorry?" Toad whispered. "It wasn't you. Was it?"

"No, no," Rosalina assured. "But.. I'm sorry for your loss."

"...thanks.." Toad replied lamely. "But I just want to be alone right now."

"Understood," Daisy nodded. "Toadette..."


The four returned to their room, clearly dejected.

"You were right, Rosalina..." Peach mumbled. "I thought it would be over, but..."

"We were too hopeful," Daisy sighed. "Oh my gosh, I just don't want to be next.. Is that selfish..? I just don't want to die..."

"Me neither... Though I'm not sure anyone would notice..." Koopa mumbled.

"We would notice..." Rosalina assured. "...I'm.. I'm so scared..."

"Me too.. At this point... All I'm doing is hoping I'm not next."


Birdo sobbed in grief in Peach's luxurious bathroom.


This can't be happening.

I was okay with it being anyone else besides Yoshi, of course, but...

This world is just cruel.

Birdo sobbed harder as she thought of her friend's pain.


This is all Peach's fault... If it wasn't for her stupid party I wouldn't be here... Birdo thought angrily.No... I can't blame Peach for this. There was no way she'd know about this.


Still, I'd do anything to get my best friend back...


I can't live without her...

Toadette, my best friend..

Birdo looked up and in shock, dropped her hands from her face as she stared into the mirror at the person behind her.


I have to live for Toadette-

"There's absolutely no way you're the-"


Birdo's head rolled across the floor, it's infamous red bow still attached to her body.

So Uh... Hey?

Yeah there hasn't been an update in forever. As some of you may know, I kinda disappeared from Wattpad for a while...

But Uh, im back for at least a little bit. So.. Yay?

Ao who do you guys think it is now? A lot of people thought it was Birdo- and now that has been proven wrong. What to do, what to do...

Oh, here's your hint: the killer(s) doesnt want to kill outside of this event. Of course, they MIGHT still be keen for kidnapping...

Would you guys still be interested in the interactive version? Just curious. I think it could be fun.

Thanks for reading.

Mafia (Mario)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon