Chapter 8: Royal Death

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C h a p t e r 8 : R o y a l    D e a t h

"Wait... Are you sure?" Rosalina asked, her eyes widening. "That... Oh no..."

"He's dead!" Diddy bawled. "He's dead, and I couldn't stop the murderer...! Why did I leave DK alone!? I should've stayed!"

"Diddy? What's wrong?" Dixie hurried over, seeing her beloved in hysterics.

"D-Donkey Kong is d-dead."

"No... That can't be! DK, no!" Dixie fell into sorrow along with Diddy. "Why..?"

"This is just unfair.." Diddy sniffled. "Why...? Why couldn't it be someone else..?"

"...another one dead... How many of us are dead now..?" Rosalina sighed. "Seventeen of us...? That's it...?"

"And one of us is the killer," Dixie sobbed.

"Wait... But what if there's... More than one... Killer..?"

"Then we're all going to die even quicker, hurray," Diddy said bitterly. "I can't wait."

"DK!!" Pauline screamed in agony. "This can't be happening... No!"

"I'm sorry..." Rosalina apologized.


"I don't want to be here anymore," Waluigi confessed quietly to Wario. "Why can't the murderer just let us out..?"

"Because the murderer is a jerk," Wario responded. "We're all going to die."

"I don't wanna think about that," Waluigi groaned. "If the murderer kills you, I swear, I'll go after the murderer."

"Well, that's always good to know that I can trust my brother. And trust me, I'd do the same."


"Why won't it open...!"

Peach pounded against the door, trying to unjam it, but failed continuously. "Just let me out of this stupid house!"

"Peach. There's no getting out..." Luigi walked behind her and said. "I've tried, too.."

"I just.... Don't want to die..." Peach told him, massively regretting that she had magic proofed her home. "Is that so hard for the murderer to understand?"

"Apparently so... You know what?" Luigi paused.



"Guys! We made a discovery!" Bowser shouted, coming at them with Bowser Jr. and Boo trailing behind them. "Not a death, but... A good discovery! I think!"

"What is it?" Peach questioned cautiously. She didn't know who she could trust.

"I think I figured out where the murderer got their inspiration. It's like when we played mafia! Almost every single murder has been when we were all sleeping or the lights were off. And I think Kamek would've been the cop since he was magical and stuff, and I dunno who the nurse would be.. But that's good that we have stuff to help us! I mean, maybe the nurse can save us! It means we have an advantage!" Bowser pointed out.

"Oh, you're right!" Luigi agreed. "That's good, then! That'll be helpful! Now we just have to figure out who the nurse is!"

"But would the nurse know who they are?" Boo questioned. "Same with the cops, like how would they know...?"

"I dunno, maybe the murderer touched them and gave them some sort of power?" Bowser Jr. questioned.

"Huh..." Bowser sighed. "I dunno. Maybe. I was thinking more as in like the nurse could physically help someone who was dying, but maybe it is something like that.."

"Well, that's good! It's a lead."

"We shouldn't let this information leave the room, tell no one else," Peach told them. "Got it?"

"Yeah," they all nodded.


Everyone dispersed in the room except for Peach.

"Wait, Bowser," Peach said.

"Yeah?" Bowser questioned.

"You're the only one I can trust here," Peach told him quietly. "That may sound weird, but it's true... So please, just do your best to find out who the murderer is, and I'll do mine."

Bowser placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Alright. I will."





"The world is cruel... This life is cruel... Maybe I just hallucinated her death.." Yoshi was still in a petrified shock as well as Toad.

"They're gone.." Toad stared at the wall. "How could this have happened.."

"I just... I can't take it anymore. Murderer, just kill me already! Please!" Yoshi cried. "I can't..."

"Stupid... Stupid.. How could I have let this happen...?"

"If only I could've stopped it.."

"If only..."


It was night and it was time for the murderer(s) to make a move.


Everyone rushed to the sound of distress, quickly waking up.

It was from the princesses' room.

"I'm a terrible person, but I'm really hoping they're just watching scary movies," Pauline murmured as everyone quickly rushed to their room.

Two princesses and one turtle were sobbing over the other princess' body.

"Th-this can't be happening-"

"Oh no-" Bowser's eyes widened. "Not after what we just said..!"

The beloved ruler of the mushroom kingdom lay bleeding out in her queen sized pink bed. She was crying from the pain.

"Mario.. I..." Peach looked like she wanted to say more, but didn't have the energy.

"No... This can't be..." Rosalina shook her head. "Not.. Not you.."

"PEACH!!!" Daisy howled. "Please, don't leave!"

It was too late. The ruler of the mushroom kingdom took her final breath.

Aaaaaaaaaand Peach is dead..

Fun fact: Peach was supposed to die first.

Lucky for all of you guys, I do like the number eight, but your next hint won't be till chapter 18! Keep in mind some "hints" are red herrings.

Hint: The murderer has NOT killed off the cop or nurse.

That's it for this chapter!

Oh, and I don't have writers block for this book anymore (hopefully) so this should have more updates coming forth.

Who do you think is the mafia? The cop? The nurse? Or have I killed off some of them already?

Thanks for reading!

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