Chapter 5: Groups

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C h a p t e r   5 :  G r o u p s

"So... What do we do now?" Birdo questioned, popping a bubble in her gum. "That's two of us gone-"

"How can you act so calm!" Toadette cried out. "We're all going to die!"

"Well, how would you know that?" Bowser shouted. "The killer could've just been targeting those two!"

"Oh yeah, and for some reason, the doors are still jammed. That makes perfect sense, Bowser." Pauline said sarcastically. "Let's face it. We're stuck in here with a killer. Whether it's one of us here or someone who snuck in, we're stuck with a killer."

"...I...I'm going to die..." Toadette's legs trembled. "It'll be the end.."

"...well, to be honest, if this really is the end, I'm glad I got to be your bro." Waluigi laughed. Wario nodded.

"Yeah, for real." Wario replied.

"That's so cheesy." Mona commented. "How are you guys not even worried?"

The men shrugged.

"Are we ever worried about anything?" Wario responded.

"True.." Bowser muttered. "Let's just get to the end of this mystery before I'm the next one killed."

"Why would you be the next one killed?" Rosalina inquired.

"Um, if you haven't noticed- it's only villains who are getting killed! Boo can't get killed, so that pretty much just leaves- me!" Bowser shouted, but quieted down after remembering Daisy's screaming.

"...Let's not jump to conclusions." Koopa tried, but as usual, no one was listening to him.

"Well, this isn't necessarily a bad thing if we get rid of Bowser.." Mario whispered to Luigi.

"That's a terrible thing to say." Luigi paused. "But kind of true.."

"Everyone please calm down," Peach tried. "If we think rationally, we may be able to-"

"...I know who it is." Toad said quietly.

"You do?" Everyone asked simultaneously.

"Yeah. It's obviously Pauline!" Everyone looked at Pauline, who became defensive.

"Are you an idiot?" Pauline laughed. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I would never kill anyone."

"But you hate all of us. That's the only reason you came to the party," Diddy Kong realized slowly. "That's why you came here... To kill us all!?"

"No! I mean, I hate you all, that's true, but not enough to kill you!" Pauline protested.

"But... You did talk about wanting to kill Peach," Dixie exposed, causing everyone to gasp. Pauline paled.

"Okay, I know this looks really, really, bad right now, but it isn't me. Like, it really isn't."

"Well, then who else!?" Toad threw his hands up in the air. "You constantly hate on all of us! You're the one with the best motive!"

"Since we're all just pointing fingers, I think it's Waluigi!" Birdo shouted. "He's so lazy! And he's not successful at anything!"

"...that's just mean." Waluigi looked slightly hurt by Birdo's words.

"Yeah! Stop attacking people without any judgement! I think it's you, Birdo!" Koopa cried.

"Whatever. No one cares about what you say, anyway." Birdo dismissed.

"...fine..." Koopa clenched his fists. "It's true.. But... I... I would just like to be appreciated for once..."

"Well, that's nice. But we can't always get what we want." Pauline sneered at him.

"Enough!" Rosalina threw her hands out. "Everyone... Please calm down," Rosalina ordered. "Let's not point fingers at each other so quickly. If we want to get out, we need to figure it out- together."

"Exactly," Peach nodded. "So stop trying to sell one another out. All it does is make you look bad."

"Right. And you all know I don't tolerate bullying." Daisy looked directly at Pauline, and then Birdo.

"...sorry.." Birdo muttered. Pauline said nothing.

"It's not me you should be apologizing to," Daisy pointed out. "It's Koopa."

Birdo wouldn't look Koopa in the eyes as she murmured a quick "sorry." Koopa shot the three princesses a grateful look.

"In any case, we need to figure out who the murderer is right now," Peach pointed out. "I don't think it's anyone outside of this house. It has to be one of us."

"Why do you think that?" Dixie questioned.

"Because Peach's security is airtight. No one would be able to get in." Daisy replied. "It's one of us. But which of us...?"

"Let's not figure that out right now," Rosalina interrupted. "This is what led to the arguments."

"True," Bowser agreed. "But I might be the next one gone, so can we at least travel in groups?"

"Yes. That sounds like a good idea," Boo approved.

"Yeah, I'm okay with that too," Donkey Kong muttered.

"Alright. Then it's settled. How many people...?" Toadette quickly counted. "20."

"Let's do five groups of four," Rosalina announced. "Sound good?"

Everyone nodded yes.

"Alright. Good."

Everyone scrambled to get in a group of four. Birdo quickly found Yoshi, Toadette and Toad- leaving poor Koopa out.

"Hey, Koopa! Come in our group." Daisy called. Koopa smiled.

"Thank you."

"We've got our group of four," Donkey Kong looked at his teammates- Diddy, Dixie, and Pauline. "That was easy."

"Well, we need another person," Mona muttered. She had Wario and Waluigi. "Hmm. How about either Mario or Luigi?"

"Luigi." The brothers said together.

"Well, alright then."

The remaining villains piled together- Bowser, Bowser Jr., and Boo.

"Um, this isn't good. Only three villains left?" Bowser groaned.

"Who's left?"

"I am.." Mario grumbled.

"Oh. Joy. If I'm dead in the morning, we all know who it is."

so... Yeah. No one died in this chapter... Whoops. Anyone think they know who the mafia is?

Thanks for reading!

Mafia (Mario)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora