Mafia (Christmas Fun)

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M a f i a   (C h r i s t m a s  F u n)

(Hey everyone! This is a bonus chapter for 2k :) it's also roles revealed.)

"So... You guys want to play mafia?" Mario asked.

"That's... So insensitive," Mona looked away. "We just played a real life game. Isn't that enough?"

"Well, I still want to play," Peach said. "It's still my favorite game."

"Alright, sounds good to me."

It was only six of them that wanted to play- Peach, Mario, Luigi, Daisy, Rosalina, and Yoshi. Birdo wanted to be the moderator.

"Alright, so everyone, please close your eyes."

Birdo picked roles quickly, smirking as she did so.

"Okay. Mafia! Open your eyes!"

Hesitant, Rosalina looked around the room for her partner. It was Mario. She nodded to him, and he acknowledged her in return.

"So.. Pick someone you wanna kill?"

Mario pointed to Luigi, mouthing he'll sniff us out. Rosalina nodded, also pointing to him.

"Okay, target acquired, go back to sleep," Birdo said. "Cop, open your eyes!"

The green plumber 'woke up' and looked around the room. Luigi wasn't sure- he didn't know who to trust. He quickly pointed to Mario, sure he could at least trust him, but Luigi's eyes widened as Birdo nodded yes. He closed his eyes, knowing he'd have to expose him.

"Alright, cop, sleep. Nurse, please wake up."

Peach awoke, pondering. Who to save, who to save... She wondered how Mario felt when he actually had this decision. She decided to save him, just because she understood how he felt now.

"Okay. Everyone, wake up!"

"That was great, I hope I'm not dead," Yoshi sighed. "That'd be no fun."

"Well... Unfortunately for Yoshi, he walked into his house-"

"Please, no."

"-totally unaware, and he found a robber in his house! And... Yoshi pulled out his gun and shot the robber! But when he got a closer look at the 'robber', It was Luigi! Luigi, you are dead."

"Come on, I even figured it out, too," Luigi sighed. "Good luck, town. I was the cop."

"Oh no," Rosalina gasped. "Well... We're screwed."

"Pretty much," Daisy agreed. "We'll figure it out."

"Yeah, we've got this!" Peach exclaimed. "Who do we think it is?"

"I don't think it's Yoshi. He seemed genuinely concerned about his well-being during the story," Mario pointed out. "If he is, he's being a really good actor."

"But also in the story...Yoshi was the one who shot the robber," Rosalina pointed out.


"I'm innocent, I swear," Yoshi put his hands up. "I didn't make the story up, she did! I didn't want to kill Luigi, I thought you were a robber!"

"It's okay, I understand," Luigi laughed.

"Hey, you're dead!" Daisy shushed. "You're not allowed to talk!"

"Oh, whoops."

"Honestly guys, I think we should kill Yoshi," Peach agreed with Rosalina. "I think it's too suspicious that Birdo just picked him to 'accidentally' kill someone."

"That was just random," Birdo shrugged. "Sorry."

"So...Decision to kill Yoshi?" Rosalina asked. Everyone except for Mario raised their hands.

"Guys, I don't think it's him," 'Mario stated.

"Well, if he is the mafia, we know who to get next," Daisy shrugged.

"Im... Innocent," Yoshi sighed. "Why'd you guys kill me!"

"Oh, sorry!" Rosalina apologized. "I really
did think.."

"Alright, go to sleep."

"Mafia, wake up. You're doing pretty great right now... Who you wanna kill?"

Rosalina shrugged, and pointed to Daisy. Mario nodded.

"Okay, go to sleep. Cop, wake up- oh wait, you're dead. Nurse, please wake up."

Peach looked around slowly. After a while, she finally pointed to herself.

"Okay. Nurse, sleep. Everyone, wake up!"

Everyone waited to hear the results. Did the mafia win? Did the nurse save the right person?

"So it was a nice, sunny day. The flowers were growing, the fruit was growing. One day, it hailed. It hailed so hard that the fruit fell off from the tree and crushed the flower. Daisy, you're dead."

"What!?" Daisy exclaimed. "Oh... I get it. I'm the flower. Wait, is Peach the fruit?"

"Wait, but I'm the nurse," Peach pointed out. "How did I kill her?"

"You killed her by not saving her," Birdo shrugged. "Mafia won."

"Oh, no.." Peach sighed as she looked at Mario and Rosalina. "You two..! Well, good job."

"Hehe, thank you..." Rosalina smiled. "Thank you."

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all enjoy the Christmas/2k update!

Thanks for reading!

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