Thirty Four, Thirty Five, Thirty Six

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34. We should not pretend to go into a coma when we have a test coming up we would prefer not to take.

I wasn't expecting them to call my parents and tell them to come. - JP

I love your mum, but she is one of the most frightening woman I have ever met in my entire life. And I lived with an old purist hag who ate children's souls for breakfast. - SB

I thought she was a lovely woman. - RL

That's cause you've never been on the other end of her wrath. - JP

Nor do I intend to. Ever. - RL

 - RL

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35. Not allowed to change the signs on the Ladies Lavatories so they are all Men's Toilets now.

We didn't change ALL of them. We left the toilet on the second floor alone. - PP

That's because that's Moaning Myrtle's toilets and Padfoot was too chicken to put the sign on the door. - JP

The last time I got too close to Myrtle, she tried to kill me so she would have someone to share the toilets with her. - SB

I thought it was a very romantic gesture. - RL

 - RL

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36. No longer allowed to fill up 1,001 glasses of water and strategically place them along the floor of the Great Hall so no one can walk through without making a mess.

This took FOREVER to complete. - PP

It wasn't actually that bad once we got an assembly line set up. - RL

It only got bad when the house elves had to stop helping us halfway through so they could prepare breakfast for the next morning. - SB

Hours of preparation for a few minutes of satisfaction. Worth it. - JP

The Marauders Guide on How to have a Good Time at Hogwarts - Pranking EditionWhere stories live. Discover now