Seventy Nine, Eighty, Eighty One

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79. We are not allowed to speak in a made up language during class so we can talk about our professors and the other students without them knowing.

Snivelly oh e wymtsiew. - SB

O etjii. - JP

Oh man. I still need the code sheet to decipher ...
Snivelly is Snape. Obviouslly.
Oh e wymtsiew ... is a dunghead!

And James replied ...
O etjii ... I agree!

O etjii too! - PP

It would be O etjii guu. - JP

You are the biggest dorks I know. - RL

Thank you. - SB

 - SB

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80. We are not allowed to charm Snape's robes to sparkle.

What is it with you and sparkles? - RL

Do I have to have a reason for liking them? - SB

I never thought I'd see the day when Snape started a trend at the school. I was shocked when all those girls bewitched their own robes to sparkle like his. - PP

Yeah ... That was a rather unfortunate side effect that none of us saw coming. - JP

 - JP

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81. Not allowed to sell "Magic Beans" to the first years, promising them that if they eat them they are guaranteed to pass all their exams.

Spoiler alert. They did not work. - SB

I don't think it's really a spoiler when it's quite obvious that it's not going to work. - RL

Obvious to you maybe, but it was not obvious to those first years. - JP

I may not have done what we said it would, but it certainly did something ... - SB

Yeah, it gave everyone incredibly bad gas that sent them to the hospital wing in embarrassment. - PP

This is why you shouldn't accept candy from strangers. - JP

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