One Hundred & Eighty Two, One Hundred & Eighty Three, One Hundred & Eighty Four

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182. We are not allowed to cover any doorways (especially not to classrooms or the Great Hall) with cling wrap and watch people run into it.

Again, another marvelous muggle invention that really enhances our pranking ability. - JP

Who says muggle studies is useless? - SB

Unfortunately, most witches and wizards feel that muggles studies is a waste of time ... - PP

It was a rhetorical question, Pete. - SB

Oh. I knew that. - PP

I will admit, it worked much better than I thought it would. And very impressive alternative to a barrier charm. - RL

Gotta love those muggles. - JP

 - JP

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183. We are not allowed to move our dorm room beds to the Astronomy Tower for an "Ultimate Sleep Over".

We are also not allowed to move other people's beds to the Astronomy Tower to join us at our sleepover, without getting their explicit permission first. - RL

Apparently, people don't like it when we move their beds for them. Even if it's done with the excuse of "fun". - SB

They especially don't like it when we move their beds while they're still sleeping in it. - JP

 - JP

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184. We are not allowed to litter "Wanted" posters of Snape everywhere, then dress up as muggle policemen and try and arrest him in front of the whole school.

I have to admit though, Sirius looked pretty handsome in his police suit. - JP

Eh, he looked okay. - RL

How dare you. I looked ravishing and you know it. - SB

You guys never told me where you got that picture of Snape in the first place. - PP

Trust me when I say that you don't want to know. - JP

The Marauders Guide on How to have a Good Time at Hogwarts - Pranking EditionWhere stories live. Discover now