{ 48 } Everything

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(Please excuse the PJO text, pretend it's not there😂)

" that's all it takes. All it takes is one moment to feel as if you've lost everything. The weight comes crashing down, punishing you in ways you never thought possible  "

My eyes dart from Murphy's rapid firing to Bellamy, who tries to untie the ropes from his neck

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My eyes dart from Murphy's rapid firing to Bellamy, who tries to untie the ropes from his neck. I realize then I have to keep Murphy's attention off him, and Raven at the same time. I violently thrash against the ladder, my voice ripping from the protests. If Raven got hurt because of me, I would never forgive myself. I couldn't, not after everything she would sacrifice to save someone that might not even be worth saving.

"Leave her alone, Murphy! S-stop!" I yell through the tears that cascade down my face, shaking with fear for my best friends life. I can't loose her, Finn and Bellamy all in one day. It would ruin me.

The gun clicks from an emptied round, and I will the next to empty. To my surprise, it is. In his rage of anger, Murphy spins around, my eyes widening.

"Hey, Hey! Murphy!" I try to get his attention on me, but it's too late. He sees Bellamy frantically tying to escape the noose, his feet teetering on the stool.

I swear my heart stopped beating the moment he kicked the stool out from Bellamy's feet. A loud scream pierces the air and it takes me a moment to realize that I'm the one screaming. It felt like everything inside me was being ripped out through my chest, tears running down my face as I could do nothing but watch Bellamy thrash around in the air.

"No!" I scream, my voice shrill, probably ripping my vocal cords. "Murphy, p-please! No, no no!" I scream, throwing myself towards Bellamy with my feet, hoping it was enough to save the dying boy in front of me, if I could only escape.

My wrists rub raw watching Bellamy kick his feet violently in a pathetic attempt to relieve some of the pressure, his hands gripping tightly at the rope. His face is very red, his eyes locked on mine. If it was possible, his face completely crumbles after his gaze lands on me. Tears fall down his own cheeks, eyes shining with sadness. This only makes me cry harder, convulsing as I throw myself forward, the cloth tugging me backwards.

"Murphy! I-I'll do anything!" I shout, the salty tears rolling down my face. My glassy eyes don't ever stray from Bellamy's own— watching every emotion flash through the chestnut ones. It went from anger, to fear, to utter hopelessness in the matter of seconds. "I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you!" I lunge at Murphy, something new awakening in me. There was no part of me that thought Murphy deserved one more second of life.

A choked sob erupts from me after hearing Bellamy choke for breath, his movements slowly becoming weaker and weaker. I don't think I ever stop screaming for Murphy to stop, I don't notice the way my bone pierces through the skin after a particularly painful lunge at Murphy, I don't think I can think about anything else other than Bellamy. If thought I was scared the day he had a gun pointed to his head— I was wrong.

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