Chapter Two

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"Christine I think she's coming around!"

Polly scrunched her eyes up tightly for a second before slowly opening them.

She glanced up to see both Ana and Christine watching her, clearly concerned but relieved she was okay.

"Where am I?" Polly asked, looking around the white-washed room and the bed she was lying on.

"The nurse's office." Christine said carefully, her eyebrows furrowed as she kept her unflinching gaze fixed on Polly.

"What happened? I can't...I can't remember."

Both Ana and Christine looked to one another and Christine inclined her head towards Ana for her to answer.

" passed out, dude. Right on the floor. Like a rag doll. It was pretty funny now looking back at it." Christine glared at Ana who shrugged in a "I'm nervous, I don't know what to say" way.

Polly frowned "I don't feel like I'm in any pain."

Ana grimaced, suddenly uncomfortable that she had to answer that question.

", someone caught you. You really can't remember anything? You don't remember who caught you?"

Polly titled her head to one side. "I remember feeling sick and there was a ringing in my ears...I thought I knew who caught me's not possible."

Ana's eyes widened. "Who? Who do you think caught you?!"

Polly felt a blush creeping up her neck as she remembered what she dreamt.

"Haha, I shouldn't have listened to the radio this morning but I imagined I heard...Jungkook's voice just before I passed out. Heh, he said I had pretty eyes." She said dreamily as Christine and Ana's heads snapped to look at each other. Polly noticed and her lips twisted as she frowned. "What? It's not that bad!"

Christine took a cautious step forward. "Polly, don't you remember anything that I talked about before you fainted?"

Polly nodded. "Sure, something about a competition...I think."

Christine put her head in her hands. "God. Ana, tell her. And make sure she doesn't faint again."

Polly shifted her gaze to her best friend.  "Ana, what the hell is going on?"

Ana rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "Well the thing is-"

Suddenly an Asian man in his early thirties came bursting through the door. When he saw Polly sitting upright in the bed, he gave a bitter sigh of relief.

"So the girl is okay?" His accent was that typical Americanised accent that foreigners got when they spoke English instead of their first language. He took a breath and then turned to Christine, shooting daggers at her.

"For Gods sake, Christine. You didn't tell me you had two fangirls in your concert! Do you know what happens if the press get a hold of this? I can imagine the headlines now 'Jungkook saves mystery girl after she collapses from shock!' You do know my boys have a lot of fans, yes? They aren't meant to be caught in situations such as these!"

Christine growled in response. "I already told you, I didn't know she was going to pass out! Jungkook didn't have to catch her. And Ana didn't do anything except cry."

Ana sniffed slightly "I think I might start again."

Polly blinked once, twice and then took a breath.


All three of the other people in the room turned to look at her. She scrambled off the bed and put her hands on her hips.

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