Chapter Twenty-Two

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The moment they stepped out into the cool but pleasant night air, Polly wretched her arm from Jungkook and rounded on him, teeth gnashing, clearly infuriated.

"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?!" She screeched and any normal man would have cowered before her, an almost Greek-like goddess relishing in her wrath but Jungkook was too incensed, too absolutely fucking livid that he didn't care.

"Me?!" He yelled back at her, "I'm not the one slutting it up with the entire town!"

She snarled at him. "Slutting it with-? I was about to kiss one guy, Jungkook! Not fuck the entire city! And why the fuck does it matter to you? I'm fucking single; if I wanna kiss or even fuck anyone, I'll bloody well do it!"

He growled, her words angering him further and without a second thought, he pushed her against the wall, entrapping her on either sides of his arms.

"You wouldn't fucking dare." He brought his face dangerously close to hers. "Don't you remember last week?"

What the absolutely hell was going on? Jungkook had her pushed up against the did she even get here? She shouldn't have provoked Thomas, but it didn't fucking matter; Jungkook couldn't do this, it wasn't fair! And now he was bringing up the night they had spent together? Polly thanked god that she had been drinking and would hopefully forget this incident. Her focus was hazy and her mind and body were screaming to do different things- her brain told her to get away from him and her body told her to do what she really wanted, what she had been craving since last week. Fucking alcohol. Always brings out the worst in people.

"Let me go." She muttered stiffly, dropping her eyes to the ground. Jungkook brought his hand up to force her to look at him.

"I asked you a question, Polly." He replied, eyes pitch black, "Don't you remember last week? No one can do the things to you that I did."

She glared at him. "Fuck you, Jungkook. You don't have any control over me anymore." Her voice quivered and a shiver ran down her spine. She was positively aching to kiss him...more than that and they both knew it. "If I wanna kiss someone else, why does it matter to you?"

He chuckled darkly and brought his lips to her ear. His breath swept over her neck and she shuddered. Get out of there Stewart, run away now!

"Because of one simple reason, Polly." He brought his perfect visage a centimetre from hers. "You belong to me."

And suddenly crushed his lips onto hers. Her mouth opened in a surprised gasp which he took advantage of, slipping his tongue inside her mouth and coaxing her own. Immediately, everything and everyone faded around her. All that remained was Jungkook and herself. Everything that happened between them; gone. Forgotten. She melted against him, crushing her body against his and wrapping her arms around his neck, lacing her fingers through his soft, silky brown locks. God, she thought, as he returned her passion just as equally, how I've missed this.

She moaned into his mouth as he ran a hand over her ass and although she didn't ever want to detach herself from him, at this moment, she was all too aware that they were standing outside a pub, in public, very nearly about to reach second base.

"Um...." she tried to think straight as he began peppering kisses from her jaw to her neck. "K-kookie?"

He didn't stop, simply "hm"ing as he continued his ministrations.

"We need to s-stop." She violently bit down on her lip as he sucked on her neck. "We're...we're outside."

He paused and she could almost feel the roll of his eyes and when he turned to look at her, he was frowning.

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